Fermi & ASDC Elisabetta Cavazzuti on behalf ASDC Team Fermi Meeting ASDC - 1 e 2 Ottobre 2009
ASDC Fermi Team duties within Fermi collaboration Contribution to ISOC software development Deep involvement in Fermi Science Groups: Contribution to: AGN: Multi-wavelength single source studies Population studies (LogN-LogS, etc) Source association and identification studies GRB Catalog: AGN catalogs, bright source catalogs Flare Advocate (coord. D. Gasparrini, S. Ciprini) activities Burst Advocate activities
ASDC Team duties @ ASDC due to Fermi collaboration Contribution to the ASDC multi-frequency tools development Create and maintain the Fermi-LAT AGN/GRB/bright sources lists interactively accessible from the web Create and maintain the Fermi-LAT archive @ ASDC which will be included in the ASDC Multi Mission Interactve Archive Involvement in multi-frequency studies of extra-galactic sources (AGN, GRB) Exploiting the multi-satellite data coming from the missions supported @ ASDC, both past and present, for these studies And along with the WHOLE ASDC Team we work on ….
ASDC Multi Mission Interactive Archive
Fermi bright source lists available @ ASDC http://www.asdc.asi.it/fermibsl/ Available infos Source classes
ASDC Tools - Error Circle EXPLORER Fermi error circle Possibility to change the displayed catalogs (including Fermi-LAT) Catalog’s colours follow e.m. spectrum
ASDC Tools - Error Circle EXPLORER Query on the selected position Optical to Gamma catalogues NED, SIMBAD, etc SLOAN Digital Sky Survey
ASDC Tools - Error Circle EXPLORER ZOOM
ASDC Tools - 2 or more parallel sessions It is also possible to open another ASDC Tool window with a different RA, DEC, after having clicked on the desired source
ASDC Tools - SED -1 Insert the name of the source, as found in NED, and click on SED button on the left Add other data to SED
ASDC Tools - SED -2 http://tools.asdc.asi.it/ 11
ASDC Tools - SED -2 http://tools.asdc.asi.it/SED/ 12
ASDC Tools - Interactive Data Access To search for other observatory’s observations
ASDC Tools - EGRET query
ASDC Tools - ASDC + VO catalogs mono-frequency query to all ASDC catalogs to ISDC To search for other observatory’s observations
ASDC Tools - Swift on line analysis
ASDC Tools - Swift spectral on line analysis spectrum Data ready to be inserted in the SED
ASDC Tools - Swift light curve on line analysis
All this can run directly via the ASDC main page www.asdc.asi.it At the Quick data Retrieval button on the left For any bug you will find, please use Helpdesk link on the ASDC main page
ASDC Tools
ASDC Fermi data release ASDC will release, from the Multi Mission Interactive Archive, the same data as FSSC, i.e. FT1 and FT2, diffuse backgrounds with selection on: TIME, REGION, ENERGY and much more ASDC Tools will be available to be used on the Fermi-LAT data. A quick look analysis on the selected data will be available later. An experienced team of people will be available for help in the scientific analysis and tutorials.
ASDC aknowledgments If your research benefits from the use of ASDC, we would appreciate the following acknowledgement in your paper: Part of this work is based on archival data, software or on-line services provided by the ASI Science Data Center (ASDC).