2 - Dimensional Art Has height and width and no real depth Robert Bateman Polar Bear Profile 1976
Medium (media) is the material an artist uses to make an artwork An artist’s choice of medium may depend on their subject matter and what they want to express. Each medium has capabilities and limitations An artist’s subject, purpose, medium, and technique are closely interrelated.
Drawing Monochromatic Media Use of tools to create artworks in different shades of one color Drawing tools date back thousands of years Ice Age (12,000 B.C.) hunter-artists used charcoal or red ocher to outline shapes of animals on cave walls
Egyptian scribes used ink on sheets of papyrus as far back as 2500 B.C. European artists began using pencil in the 1400s
Monochromatic drawings employ various intensities of a single hue. Different values can be achieved by changing the amount of pressure put on a drawing tool Rubbing a charcoal stick hard on paper makes darker tones and conceals more paper lightly makes lighter tones concealing less paper
Varieties of light and dark can be produced by certain kinds of pencils The amount of graphite in a pencil determines the type of line it can make Many pencils are graded on a European system using a continuum from H (for hardness) to B (for blackness)
Graphite pencil drawing
Different values can be obtained from ink Ink is opaque (not transparent) When applied to paper it completely masks the paper Through variations in the widths and density of strokes, they function as shading
Colored chalks lie somewhere between drawing and painting Pastels are a high-quality form of chalk with a wide range of hues Allow use of a variety of color without mixing paint or preparing a canvas They break easily Surface made with pastels smear easily Must be sprayed with fixative or framed under glass
Mary Cassatt was one of the most skillful artists to use pastels Often portrayed children Made no attempt to conceal pastel strokes Mary Cassatt Margot in a Dark Red Costume Seated in a Round Backed Chair
Painting Watercolors consist of pigments mixed with water Usually transparent and appear luminous Usually applied to paper specifically made for watercolors and of various weights or porousness Lively and spontaneous looking First became popular in the 1800s Winslow Homer Young Ducks Winslow Homer The Blue Boat
Tempera consists of pigments mixed with emulsion, a watery liquid with droplets of oil suspended in it Today there are many types of emulsions Temperas are opaque and creamy Water is used to thin it and make it flow better Dries quickly with soft, matte finish Produces delicate effects Andrew Wyeth Braids
Gouche consists pigments mixed with gum arabic (a water-soluble binder) A compromise between watercolor and tempera It is opaque It is water-based and usually applied to paper Easier to control than watercolor Jacob Lawrence This is Harlem
Oil consists of pigments mixed with linseed oil. - Turpentine is the thinner or solvent - Canvas is the principal type of support - Gesso must be applied to the canvas to keep oil from rotting it - Can be opaque or translusent - Can be thick as plaster or thin as watercolor - Can be used to create a great variety of effects
Various Effects of Oil Leonardo da Vinci The Last Supper (demonstrates great detail) Hliburton Hill (demonstrates the translucenly of oil Vincent van Gogh A Starry Night (demonstrates texture of oilt)
Acrylic paint is a synthetic material made from plastic It is water-soluble Most versatile medium Acts like watercolor when thinned with water Used with additives, they can be made to be thicker than oils Can be made to dry slower with retarders Can be cleaned up with water Can be applied directly to canvas without gesso
Versatility of Acrylic Paint Helen Frankenthaler stained canvas with water-thinned acrylic Robert Bateman painted photographic-like imagery with acrylic. Helen Frankenthaler The Bay 1963 Robert Bateman Grizzly at Rest
Fresco is the oldest painting medium Used to make murals Consists of mixing pigments with water and applying onto wet plaster An area has to be painting quickly because of fast drying time Michelangelo The Creation of Adam (The Sistine Chapel)
Diego Rivera Detroit Industry
Mosaics are designs or pictures composed of numerous pices of stone or glass The pieces called tesserae are set in cement Used to decorate walls, ceilings, or floor Has been called “painting in stone” Christians covered walls and ceilings of churches with mosaics
Mosaic at St. Mark Basilica in Venice, Italy