GSI – recent research highlights and a few strategical remarks NuPECC meeting, Caen, October 9, 2015
Radiation Detected Resonance Ionization Laser Spectroscopy of 254No at SHIP Measurement of: atomic levels, ionization potential hyperfine structure isotopic shifts Study of: relativistic effects for Z>100 nuclear moments & spins changes in mean square charge radii 254No First ever laser spectroscopy beyond Fm Incoming rate of 254No: ≈ 5 atoms/s / overall efficiency for 254No: ≈ 10% Verbund-forschung SHE-Physik / M. Block, M. Laatiaoui et al.
Currently running at (SHE Chemistry): Measuring Chemical Properties of Flerovium (Z=114) Verbund-forschung Status in the published literature: 2010 (PSI/Dubna): Three atoms observed noble gas-like behavior inferred 2014 (TUM/GSI): Two atoms observed noble metallic behavior inferred New TASCA Run, aiming at 12 atoms to solve the puzzle: Run 1 (Fall 2014) Duration: 12 days Beam dose: ~2.8·1018 2 decay chains from Fl / Cn observed (under final evaluation) Run 2 (Aug.-Oct. 2015), current prelim. status Duration (main beam) ~10 days Beam dose: ~3·1018 4 decay chains from Fl / Cn observed (under evaluation) Continuation: 3 more weeks in Oct. 2015 A. Yakushev (Spokesperson) and L. Lens with experimental setup in TASCA cave X8
Workshop on the design of the FAIR tunnel T110 Introduction and Goals of the Workshop
The outside view on the tunnel T110 Outer Diameter: ca. 350 m Circumference (acc): 1083 m Base: 16 to 18 m under ground 10.05 m 7 m 16.15 m 1.5m Question: Is the tunnel T110 reasonable or overdesigned? ~4.6m 1.5m 1.2m 1.0m 1.5m Beam Pipe Width: 33.2 m, Height: 8.6 m Workshop on the design of the FAIR tunnel T110 , September 9 / 10, 2015 Ursula Weyrich
Findings and Observations high quality and motivated project team presentations made by the project team were comprehensive and informative the project team responded well to the questions raised during the workshop given the demanding constraints (accelerator requirements, radiation protection issues, environmental obligations), the present design is a feasible solution and can be implemented potential cost savings for redesign of the tunnel as presented by the planning team as well as by the review committee indicating no significant cost savings, at this stage, do not appear to be justified considering the potential lengthy planning delays and the exclusion of future options at a later point in time.