Teachers shadow students for a day. Introduce yourself and what you will talk about. Riverside Jr./Sr. High School
Teachers shadow a student for a day: A day in a student’s life at RHS Describe what you will present – in a word, a photo, a question, or a short phrase. What will the audience take away from your presentation?
In order to better understand what students are required to do each day. Find what is working and what needs changed What was the issue that your activity/event was trying to address? Use a photo, a key data point or some information.
These students have a lot of homework from all their classes I didn’t know Brenda is who people go to solve problems These students have a very long day. I can’t believe how quickly these students have to get to class. Students run out of steam after 3rd period. We need some kind of break Give some key details: describe who, what, where, when, why, how. Have each of these be a separate slide as necessary – simply duplicate this slide as necessary!
Teachers shared their findings with the staff at our Growth Mindset PD Teachers shared their findings with the staff at our Growth Mindset PD. We started the process of finding out where we are as a staff with Growth Mindset concepts. Your photos should speak for themselves – only use a header or additional words if necessary. Use one image per slide. Use http://search.creativecommons.org/ to find images – just be sure to credit the source. Source name or link
What is the plan: Longer passing time is what the teachers ask for – BUT student body voted to shorten passing period last year so they could have a longer lunch period. Longer classes, change from 8 periods to 7 periods a day - We took advantage of make up snow days by trying block scheduling to see how students and teachers like it. We will have a staff discussion on findings. Consistency with basic rules and procedures - we realized as a staff we need to be consistent with basic rules and procedures. Staff working on PBIS program to make more consistencies. Attendance – We changed our tardy policy for 1st and after lunch periods. Be Positive/Reward no punitive. How do you act in places – videos (student in videos) There is a whole other life happening in the hallways. Remember our job is students – they are more than grades, homework, tests, state test scores, they are our future. Provide some data with measurable objectives outcomes.
What is the most positive aspect about our students at RHS? They are friendly and supportive of each other and new students. Generally nice kids. They're extremely friendly and inclusive I find that most students here are willing to help others. Holding the door, offering to carrying things, etc. Most of them are very accepting of people who are different from them. They are kind and generous. Students are helpful to new students, Always a group to take them in. They are friendly and respectful. For the most part, they are good, sweet individuals that are loved by the staff. The most positive aspect about our students are that they do genuinely care about others. Our students are nice and respectful. They are also well groomed and cared for. They are not afraid to share their opinions, questions, fears, and dreams.
What is the most positive aspect about our students at RHS? We like to do their work Good attitudes and sportsmanship (and nice and good looking) Studying Friendly We all have different sizes Helpful We learn from our mistakes We never give up We try to reach are goals We try to help other people We brighten each other’s days We are all unique in good and bad ways
Next Steps Continue with teacher/student shadow days Continue moving forward with Growth Mindset PD. Acquaint staff with the community their students live in - neighborhood tour. Virtual tour or physical tour.
We have amazing kids. Summarize what you just presented – remind the audience of the main takeaway or key point. This could be a word, a photo, or the answer to the original question you posed.