ICT in Education Program ICTs-ENHANCED 21ST CENTURY LEARNING Part 2: Videos G. Hernández gjhernandezp@unal.edu.co Paramaribo, Suriname, 2017
Outline Videos
1. Videos
https://www.khanacademy.org/ https://www.ted.com/talks/salman_khan_let_s_use_video_to_reinvent_education http://www.cbsnews.com/videos/khan-lab-school-reinvents-american-classroom/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrumSBSRyBs
EdTech: Sal Khan, Founder & Executive Director, Khan Academy “Over the next few years people will begin to differentiate about what’s truly working for students and what’s not. On our part, Khan Academy is excited about becoming a mobile focused organization, internationalizing our content to truly reach everyone on the planet and partnering with the College Board to provide college access through the new SAT. Research, development and analytics - these things are critical to us to keep us at the leading edge of innovation in the space.” The Best Is Yet To Come: Tech Leaders Predict What’s Coming Next, Grace Nasri, 12/15/2014, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/grace-nasri/the-best-is-yet-to-come-t_b_6318184.html
Videos and Mega-classes 합격 불변의 법칙
https://www.youtube.com/user/professorleonard57 5 professors on YouTube who nailed teaching online EducationDIVE online Are there any great math professors on YouTube? https://www.quora.com/Are-there-any-great-math-professors-on-YouTube 4 youtube channels that will help you conquer any math problem http://www.theprospect.net/4-youtube-channels-that-will-help-you-conquer-any-math-problem-56999
https://www.youtube.com/user/julioprofe El profesor de matemática más famoso de YOUTUBE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhMuj__mqoA
David Calle. El profesor de mates de Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJH5vjhFqdE
Top Ten most Popular College Course Lectures On YouTube NYTimes 1. Moral Reasoning 22: Justice Harvard 2. Integrative Biology 131: General Human Anatomy University of California, Berkeley 3. Physics 10: Physics for Future Presidents University of California, Berkeley 4. Physics 1: Classical Mechanics M.I.T. 5. Introduction to Basic Electronics Indian Institutes of Technology 6. SIMS 141: Search Engines: Technology, Society and Business University of California, Berkeley 7. Computer Science 106A: Programming Methodology Stanford 8. Mathematics 18.03: Differential Equations M.I.T. 9. Modern Theoretical Physics: Einstein Stanford Continuing Studies 10. Math 18.06: Linear Algebra M.I.T. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/18/education/edlife/18opentop10-t.html
Now we have plenty video repositories where teachers can find or publish educational videos: TED Ed Khan Academy Sophia Youtube Educational portals LMS
Affiliated nstitutions https://www.surf.nl SURF is the collaborative ICT organisation for Dutch education and research. SURF offers students, lecturers and scientists in the Netherlands access to the best possible internet and ICT facilities. Affiliated nstitutions Universiteiten Hogescholen Overige hogeronderwijsinstellingen Zorginstellingen Onderzoeksinstellingen Onderzoeksafdelingen van bedrijven Mbo-instellingen Bibliotheken Overige door OC&W gefinancierde instellingen
Digital learning resources and services The use of multimedia educational content in lessons is very popular in the Netherlands. The most important initiative specifically aimed at multimedia education content is Teleblik. Teleblik is a website that assembles thousands of hours of educational television and makes these available online, free of charge to schools (www.teleblik.nl) In the Netherlands there are approximately ten educational portals used by teachers who actively generate, review and rank digital educational content. Some of these portals have been initiated by the Ministry of Education, others by sector organizations, examples: www.Wikiwijs.nl is a platform with an extensive open digital learning material database for teachers in primary, secondary and vocational education. Teachers can find, use, share and develop materials. https://www.vo-raad.nl/themas/Leermiddelen-en-ICT
Information Overload With all of the free resources available, where do you start? Don’t worry about that…just start somewhere! Pick a website or two, and explore Using Ted Ed, Khan Academy & Sophia to Flip Your Classrom Shannon J. Holden https://www.slideshare.net/newteacherhelp/ted-soph-khan
How to record videos? Webcam capture Phone camera capture
How to capture the screen and the webcam at the same time? http://www.screencast-o-matic.com/
Screencast-O-Matic 2017 Tutorial Screencastomatic Screen Recording Tool https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jADJ_OoSnm8
https://www.screencastify.com/ Narrate Google Slides for a Self-Paced Lesson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=On8sBXRjAaM
http://www.personify.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWyeHehKLIw
Getting Started with Lecture Capture and Screen Recording http://www 7 things you should know about...Lecture Capture" (PDF). Educause Learning Initiative. December 2008.