Fashion Plus is a startup fashion business offering face mask, slim bags, weaved wallets and bottlecap keychains to low and middle class consumers . It will be registered as a sole proprietorship under the name of Jerald V. Awat with an initial capital of Php 800.00 equally contributed by its 16 members. It will operate under the manufacturing industry and retail/wholesale industry.
Product and Description Materials Used Description Bottle cap keychain Bottle cap, split ring Colorful designed bottle caps attached to a split ring, about 4 inches in length Weaved Wallet Zipper, shirt This wallet is cheap but unique, durable compared to others and variety color choices. Maong Sling Bag String, Button, Jeans This bag is made from pure jeans material. It has multiple designs and washable. Face Mask Garter, Shirt It is made from pure cotton and help to protect the airways from small particles and dust.
Target Market / Market Segment Market Analysis Target Market / Market Segment 5. Referrals – referrals of satisfied Fashion Plus clients.
Competitor`s Assessment 3. A number of Retailers . Numerous retailers found in bazaar.
Competitor`s Assessment Competitive Advantage Fashion Plus is characterized by the following competitive edge : 1. Personalized – Fashion Plus products are custom made according to customer’s preference 2. Design - creatively designed by the investor’s who are millenials and GenZ‘s. 3. Environmental friendly – materials are from recycled products. 4. Quality –individually hand crafted.
Marketing Plan Products Bottle Cap Key Chain Weaved Wallet Maong Sling Bag Face Mask
Marketing Plan Bottle Cap Key Chain ü glue
Marketing Plan Weaved wallet Materials: Zipper Thread Needle Labor
Marketing Plan Maong Sling Bag Materials Needle Thread Labor Snap on
Marketing Plan Face Mask Materials Garter Thread Needle Labor
Marketing Plan Key Chain Materials Price/Piece Glue Stick 0.10 Fashion Plus products and its cost Key Chain Materials Price/Piece Glue Stick 0.10 Split Rings 4.00 Shipping Fee 0.50 Paint 1.00 Print 0.05 Glitters 0.20 Labor 3.00 Scotch Tape 0.15 9.00
Selling Retailed Price Marketing Plan Mark up price of 50% 9.00 X 50% = 4.50 9.00 + 4.50 = 13.50 Selling Retailed Price 15.00
Marketing Plan Weaved Wallet Materials Price/Piece Zipper 3.40 Thread 0.15 Needle 0.20 Labor 5.00 8.75
Selling Retailed Price Marketing Plan Mark up price of 50% 8.75 x .50 = 4.38 8.75 + 4.38 = 13.13 Selling Retailed Price 15.00
Materials Price/Piece 17.25 Marketing Plan Maong Sling Bag Materials Price/Piece Snap on 1.25 Thread 0.75 Needle 0.25 Labor 15.00 17.25
Selling Retailed Price Marketing Plan Mark up price of 50% 17.25x .50 = 8.63 18.50 + 8.63 = 27.13 Selling Retailed Price 30.00
Materials Price/Piece 7.10 Marketing Plan Face Mask Materials Price/Piece Garter 1.67 Thread 0.10 Needle 0.33 Labor 5.00 7.10
Pricing PRODUCTS Price Bottle cap keychain Php15.00 Weaved Wallet Marketing Plan Pricing The table below shows a list of Fashion Price products and its price. PRODUCTS Price Bottle cap keychain Php15.00 Weaved Wallet Maong Sling Bag Php30.00 Face Masks Php10.00
Distribution Marketing Plan Direct selling Retailing/ whole selling Online selling
Promotion Marketing Plan Fashion Plus will use the following promotional strategies for its products Advertisements flyers Tarpaulin The Social media advertisement Create a Facebok Page Create an Instagram Page 3. Sales Commission. A P1.00 commission shall be given to the seller of Accessoriazz product
Production Operating Plan Fashion Plus will employ the following processes in its production of weaved wallet, face mask, keychain and sling bag 1.Washing, cleaning and drying of bottle caps 2.Spray painting of bottle caps and drying 3.Drilling of hole in bottle caps for the split rings 4.Printing, cutting and attaching designs or bottle caps, sling bag, face mask, weaved wallet and keychain includes the following process: Cutting and sewing of bag, cloth and mask Weaving of wallet
Quality Control Operating Plan Quality control for Fashion Plus will be the following: 1.Standard crown bottle cap type with 21 teeth will be used 2.Bottle caps must be clean, free from bent and stains 3. Use of quick dry spray paint to ensure even coating of hard to reach spots 4.Sling bag and mask are machine sewn by outsourced skilled sewer.
Inventory Control Operating Plan Fashion Plus will ensure that all stocks are accounted for at any given time and recognized when a customer bought a product. 1. Production will depend upon the cash available for the first two month
Operating Plan
Technical Feasibility Operating Plan Technical Feasibility The production of Fashion Plus will be every weekdays from 1:00 – 4:00pm 2. The number of finished products are follows.
Technical Feasibility Operating Plan Technical Feasibility 3. The collection policy for online customers will be cash on delivery. Product No. of hours worked No. of workers Number of finished products Face mask 6 hours 1 15pcs Keychain 2 25pcs Sling bag 10pcs Weaved wallet
Operating Plan Assumptions:
Forecasted Financial Statement Table 1.2 Income statement FORECASTED FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE FOR THE MONTHS OF NOVEMBER and DECEMBER, 2017 NOVEMBER DECEMBER Nov. 1-30, 2017 Dec. 1-8, 2017 SALES* 2,070.00 2,530.00 LESS: COGS** 506.25 618.75 GROSS SALES 1,563.75 1,911.25 LESS EXPENSES COMMISSION EXPENSES*** 150.00 SALARIES**** 1,275.00 TOTAL EXPENSES 1,425.00 NET INCOME BEFORE TAX 138.75 486.25
Forecasted Financial Statement Table 1.3 Cash Flow Statement
Forecasted Financial Statement Table 1.4 Schedule of Break even Analysis ACCESSORIAZZ BREAK-EVEN ANALYSIS PRODUCTS PER PIECE FIXED COST SELLING PRICE VARIABLE COST BREAK EVEN POINT Keychain 450.00 15.00 9.00 75 Stiched Wallet 8.75 72 Maong Sling Bag 30.00 18.50 39 Face Mask 10.00 7.10 155
Forecasted Financial Statement Table 1.5 Schedule of Sales Schedule of sales Selling Price Quantity November December Keychain 15.00 45 675.00 55 825.00 Weaved Wallet 27 405.00 33 495.00 Maong Sling Bag 30.00 18 540.00 22 660.00 Face Mask 10.00 450.00 550.00 2,070.00 2,530.00
Forecasted Financial Statement Table 1.7 Schedule of Cost of Goods Sold Cost of good sold Price /unit November December keychain 6.00 270.00 330.00 weaved wallet 3.75 101.25 123.75 Maong Sling Bag 2.25 40.50 49.50 Face Mask 2.1 94.50 115.50 506.25 618.75
Forecasted Financial Statement Table 1.8 Schedule of Salaries and wages November and December 2017 Salaries Expense Qty Unit Price Total Sales Adminisrative Salaries 9 50.00 450.00 Key Chain 50 3.00 150.00 Weaved Wallet 20 5.00 100.00 Maong Sling Bag 15.00 300.00 Face Mask 55 275.00 TOTAL 154 78.00 1,275.00
Executive Summary Thank You