RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The economic values of ecosystem goods and services in Karavasta Lagoon. Albania Romina Koto 1, Aida Bani 1, Erla Bani 2 , Anja Dautaj³ 1 Agro-Environmental Department, Faculty of Agronomy and Environment, Agricultural University of Tirana, Tirane, Albania. 2 'Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. Paris. France ³Institute of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Corvinus University of Budapest INTRODUCTION Lagoons are highly productive coastal features that provide a range of natural services that directly or indirectly translate to economic services and values to humans. The benefits may take several forms but the economic benefits are highly valued, and are obtained from the lagoon goods and services. Nowadays the lagoon ecosystems were threatened by land use changes. The aim of this study is to estimate the total economic value (TEV) of the direct and indirect values and to demonstrate the net benefit derived from the main ecosystem services in Karavasta Lagoon (40º56’ N and 19º29’ E), (Ramsar site 1996). Karavasta Lagoon is included on the most various mosaics of coastal habitats in Albania and one of the important ecological and economical areas. The economic valuation was done using the direct use goods, Fisheries, and Agriculture. To gather data about Agriculture and Fishing activity we conducted interview with the local institutions, municipalities, survey with household around the lagoon, private company ect. Also a valuation was done using the non–use value as Tourism. For tourism in Karavasta lagoon didn't exist a real market for cultural activities and the income for this area was not recorded but exists only a spontaneous tourism. MATERIALS AND METHODS For year 2013 and 2014 are conducted seasonal interviews to have information from the local institutions, municipalities about the most important goods and services of Karavasta Lagoon. Also are conducted surveys in villages, to identify the use and non use values, direct and indirect values, the data are necessary for the calculation of TEV(Total Economic Value) To determine the Direct values the economic valuation was done using the direct use goods, as identified as the two major uses: Fisheries, and Agriculture. The Market price method of these two goods were used to put a monetary value to the lagoon. Also a valuation was done using the non –use value as Tourism, given the lack of the market because for tourism in Karavasta lagoon didn't exist a real market for cultural activities and the income for this area are not recorded. The Contingent valuation method is used to determine the value of an ecosystem by finding out how much survey respondents are willing to pay for particular ecosystem attributes or services. So to have information and date we will create an hypothetic scenario with WTP (willingness to pay) RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Agriculture→approximately €13.157.850 (quantity and value of the agricultural produce from the Karavasta Lagoon, average price, quantity produced). Fisheries→approximately € 14.686.761 (economic value of invertebrate catch = total weight harvested during (per household) (kg) x average price per household (lek/kg), economic benefits for fishing from J & T Shp.k company (based on the survey) Tourism→approximately €899.999 (willingness to pay= 500 to 1000 lek). TOTAL ECONOMIC VALUE about the two main direct 28,744.610 Euro. The results of the questionnaire for Agriculture The results of the questionnaire for Fisheries and Tourism TEV Valuation tool Economic value Direct extractive use Agriculture Market price € 13.157.850 Fisheries € 14.686.761 Non use value Tourism CV €899.999 Total 28,744.610 Conclusion Results of this study show that the economic value in Karavasta lagoon and the Total Economic Value about two main direct activities Agriculture and Fisheries and the spontaneous, hypothetical market created of Tourism is approximately: 28,744.610 Euro. These results can help to make suggestions for improved a sustainable use, also to demonstrate for decision makers about the need for improved management so this value can at least be maintained for future generations. Also this method can help and can be used from the National Agency of Environment of Albania . ACKNOWLEDGMENT;The authors wish to thank the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund for the support provided in the frame of project “Ecological and economical assessment of ecosystem services in the Karavasta Lagoon’.