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About The Beachcomber Mission Statement: The Beachcomber is a newspaper written by the Journalism students at Miami Beach Senior High School to inform, advise, and entertain the school community. Established in 1926 Distributes 5,000 full-color copies of 4-6 issues
Why The Beachcomber is a Perfect Fit for Your Advertising Needs 68% of students spend more than $20 on discretionary purchases weekly. 89% of MBSH students exercise. 46% of students are interested in working out at a gym. 81% of students have never heard of your gym.
Beachcomber Readers’ Interests
Where can you find Beachcomber readers?
3.2 miles, or about 9 minutes by car 33141 Training Zone 3.2 miles, or about 9 minutes by car
Stats about Other Gyms
2.7 miles, or about 7 minutes by car Training Zone Miami Beach Senior High School 2.7 miles, or about 7 minutes by car
From a Beachcomber Reader “I am always looking to The Beachcomber for advice on what to buy. If the newspaper advertised a gym, I would definitely try it out.” -Mark Zavala, sophomore
From a Beachcomber Reader “If there was a coupon for a gym in The Beachcomber, my friends and I would definitely use it. ” -Gabriela Gerinska, freshman
Benefits of Advertising With The Beachcomber 72% of students bring other people to exercise with them. 62% of students bring 2 or more people to exercise with them. 45% of students would be interested in going to a gym if there was a coupon for it in The Beachcomber. 21% of readers share The Beachcomber with others after reading.
A Previous Successful Ad Campaign
Advertise with The Beachcomber for 2009-2010! Rates: Business Card (1.5” x 3”): _____ x $20 = $_____ 1/8 Page (4” x 5”): _____ x $45 = $_____ 1/4 Page (5” x 8”) _____ x $90 = $_____ 1/2 Page (8” x 11”): _____ x $150 = $_____ Flyer Insert (8.5” x 11”): _____ x $200 = $_____ Full Page (10” x 16”): _____ x $300 = $_____ All advertisements must be prepaid one week before publication. Prepay for 4 issues and receive a 10% discount. Email all artwork to: PAWLY50G@YAHOO.COM No graphics? We will design your ad for a 25% surcharge. Insert a coupon in The Beachcomber for just $200 an issue!
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