Manchester Locality Plan A Healthier Manchester
The vision for GM Devolution To ensure the greatest and fastest possible improvement to the health and wellbeing of the 2.8 million citizens of Greater Manchester @GMHSC_Devo #GMDevo
GM Strategic plan 1. Strategic Direction 2. Locality & Sector Plans The Strategic Plan will set out the vision for the delivery of services within GM and what a sustainable approach would look like. 2. Locality & Sector Plans The Strategic Plan will provide a framework to ensure the overall level of ambition is achieved and for the development of Locality Plans. Each area in GM will produce their own five year Strategic Plan for the five years from 2016/17. 3. GM Transformation Proposals A key component of the Strategic Plan will be to identify new models of care/strategies and where transformation is needed 4. Financial Plan & Enablers A GM Model will be developed enabling scenario planning for the significant changes of services that will be required. It will be capable of predicting the impact of new models of care and of locality and sector plans. @GMHSC_Devo #GMDevo
Greater Manchester Strategic Plan Locality Plans Salford Bury Oldham Wigan Manchester Stockport Bolton Tameside Trafford Rochdale Manchester’s Locality Plan (A Healthier Manchester) Public Health Cancer Primary Care Living Longer Living Better Mental Health Learning Disability Children & Young People Housing /Assistive Technology This slide describes how the locality plan fits in with the whole system. The Manchester Locality Plan is feeding into the Greater Manchester Strategic Plan which is being prepared for submission, along with Other elements that will be included within the Manchester Look at timescales and content for the GM plan for information. ‘One Team’ Single Hospital system Single Commissioning System
A Healthier Manchester – 3 Pillars A Single Commissioning System (‘One Commissioning Voice’) in the City. ‘One Team’ delivering integrated out of hospital community based health, primary and social care services on a city wide basis. A ‘Single Manchester Hospital Service’, with consistent and complementary arrangements for the delivery of acute services.
1. Single Commissioning System ‘Working Better Together’ programme underway to look at current commissioning arrangements in the City. Intention of all partners (3 x CCG, city wide commissioning and City Council) to commission with ‘one voice’; Agreeing joint strategic priorities across all organisations. Agreeing accountability and delegated authority across each of the partners Adopting an integrated way of staff working, combining, where appropriate, resources in line with agreed programmes Jointly managing market provision Manchester Joint Commissioning Board being established as a joint committee to carry out functions relating to the Manchester Locality Plan.
2. One Team – Place Based Care Community-based care, focussed upon ‘place’ Professionals working together, with carers, in the community, including primary care 12 networked teams working across the city Building capacity and skills
2. One Team – Place Based Care Current projects: Health and Social Care Integration – city wide Practitioner Design Team, working together on the new models for a) neighbourhood teams b) intermediate care and reablement c) integrated access. Urgent Care First Response (UCFR) – creating a community based and focused service incorporating a) first contact b) complex community response c) community assessment unit. Long Term Conditions – developing new community based models of care for a) diabetes b) respiratory c) heart failure
2. One Team – Single Contract Commissioners stated intention to let a single contract to a single contract holder from April 16 for out of hospital health and care services. Initial scope will be community health and social care teams included in the neighbourhood teams, plus reablement and intermediate care. Scope expected to grow over time as District General Hospital services identified and aligned to local care provision (from secondary care provision).
2. One Team – Local Care Organisation for Manchester
2. One Team - Primary Care Transformation Early adopters programme for primary care starting in April 16. New model serving population of c30-50k under a single contract, integrated with other community and social care services. Service model defined locally, linked to agreed outcome measures. Moving towards a multi-year capitated contract based on delivery of outcomes.
3. Single Manchester Hospital Service Proposal for a single hospital service for the city of Manchester. Looking to create a mechanisms for closer collaborative working and to deliver consistent and complementary arrangements for acute care. A 2 stage review is underway with stage 1 focussed on a benefits assessment and stage 2 an options appraisal of governance and organisational arrangements, to be completed by the end of May 16.
Manchester Governance