The Young Carers Strategy 2017−2019 is being launched during Carers Week, commencing 12 June 2017. It will inform practitioners of the pathways, tools and resources that are available to help support young carers.
Definition of a young carer ‘A person under 18 who provides, or intends to provide, care for another person (of any age), except where that care is provided for payment pursuant to a contract of voluntary work.’ The Children and Families Act 2014
siblings, rather than actual caring duties. In Manchester, we recognise that the impact on children and young people may be related to additional duties such as housework, shopping and caring for siblings, rather than actual caring duties. Therefore, our own definition has been extended:
‘A person under 18 who provides, or intends to provide, care for another person (of any age), except where that care is provided for payment pursuant to a contract of voluntary work.’ ‘This relates to care or additional duties related to having a family member who has a physical disability, mental health need or learning disability, or who is affected by drug, alcohol or substance misuse.’
The current situation
There are 1,138 young carers aged under 16 Around 11% are providing 50+ hours per week of unpaid care. However, recent research identified that many young carers are not identified, and the actual number is substantially higher than the official Census data. 2011 Census data.
Young carers: offer and pathways
The Young Carers Strategy outlines an offer which ensures that however a young carer is identified, there is a consistent pathway. This pathway is underpinned by the Early Help assessment offering a graduated response ensuring appropriate level of support.
The agency that identifies the young carer will either: 1. Ring the Contact Centre for advice and support, or if they have safeguarding concerns about the young person. 2. Contact the Early Help Hubs for advice, and to check if there is an Early Help Assessment. or
A social worker will screen young carer referrals resulting in one of the following decisions: Refer to the TYSS for young carers aged 13−19 years Provide information, advice and guidance, including signposting to Help and Support Manchester through the Early Help Co-ordinator Request a multi-agency response through the Early Help Hub triage Request a targeted response through the Early Help Hub allocations Request further social work input through social services.
Guidance for practitioners
When a referral is made for a young person who is caring, consider: Is the family member for whom they are caring already receiving services from us? Is the young person’s school/college/university involved or aware of what is happening? A young carer referral should trigger an assessment or review of the person who needs care.
When a referral is made for an adult or child with a disability or illness, consider: Have they been offered an assessment? Is there a child in the family who may be helping to provide care? What can be offered to help the whole family? Does the parent need support in their parenting role?
Further information for practitioners
Help and Support Manchester has been updated with a Young Carers section included on the Early Help Practitioner Zone, the Carers Toolkit and the SEND Local Offer.
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