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Presentation transcript:

Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answers. the czar the peasants the czar, the officials, the nobles, and the middle classes Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answers.

The Russian Revolution

Big Ideas What problems existed in Russia before the revolution? Why would people support the Bolsheviks? What is communism?

Background During WWI, the Russian military was unprepared Czar Nicholas II wanted to run the army No military experience This kept him from the capital Alexandra (cousin to Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany) and Grigori Rasputin made important decisions Rasputin- assassinated by conservatives

Background Economic concerns Working-class women struck due to bread shortages and rationing A general strike shut down all the factories Nicholas ordered in troops Many refused to shoot and joined the rebels The Duma set up a provisional gov’t The Czar abdicated the throne His brother rejected it= no czar

The Bolsheviks The Bolsheviks were a small faction of a Marxist party They wanted to overthrow the capitalist system Vladimir Lenin came to Russia, hoping for the Bolsheviks to gain power Soviets- Councils representing workers and soldiers Lenin wanted to gain soviet support

The Bolsheviks Bolsheviks promised to redistribute land, transfer control of factories to the workers, transfer gov’t power to the Soviets, and end the war. Nov. 6, 1917- The Bolsheviks stormed the Winter Palace Provisional gov’t collapsed Lenin stayed in power (Gave some power to soviets) Bolsheviks renamed themselves Communists They withdrew from WWI Treaty of Brest-Litovsk Russia gave up E. Poland, Ukraine, Finland, and the Baltic Provinces

Civil War Soon after Communists took control, civil war broke out. White Army: czar loyalists, liberals, anti- Leninist socialists Aided by the Allies Red Army: Communists The Red Army won Royal family was captured and killed

Civil War Communists were able to put their ideals to work Controlled banks, farms, and industries Used revolutionary terror to further their goals Cheka (secret police) sought out anyone who opposed the Communists Allies sent in troops- Communists used this as a way to appeal to Russian patriotism 1921- Communists have complete control over Russia

What is Communism? Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels wrote the Communist Manifesto, which introduced communism It’s the idea that everything is commonly owned (no private property) Anything you need is shared throughout the community (only works in small groups) Workers control the means of production He thought a communist revolution would happen in England, where there’s a lot of factories.

What is Communism? Russian communism is different. The government takes everything that is produced They distribute it to the people (based on need) They usually take more than their fair share This leaves many people hungry No incentive to work if everything is provided for you and there is no room for advancement.

People don’t like to share.