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You will work in four groups now. Each group is given a topic: Magnetic Resonance Imaging Electroencephalogram (EEG) Brainwaves Brain structure Brainstorm, using the A3 paper provided, everything that you can remember about the topic that you are working on.
Share; what does the class remember about your topic? Add their details to your A3 chart. It is of paramount importance that you are as thorough as possible. NB the smiley faces are optional but encouraged by DISC head office
Mission Objectives To succeed in the presentational part of the mission, you must… To succeed working as a DISC team, you must…
Your teacher will hand you a dossier containing further key information related to the mission. Read the dossier carefully as a team and discuss how best to present your ideas to the rest of the class(think of the skills you have in the team before you make your final decision). Poster and discussion? Role Play? Radio programme/podcast? Short film/animation?
Team Duties Team leader (responsible for managing team members and end product) Script writer Visuals Filmmaker Editor (checks all content is correct as well as spelling, punct, and grammar) Your team will have particular duties so you will need to invent further roles.
Planning and Development This is crucial time for your team to plan and develop your presentation. At DISC we expect our scientists to work and deliver to the highest possible standard. That is what sets us apart from other Government agencies. At the end of this time, your team will present your initial ideas to the other teams and take feedback. This is primarily the responsibility of the team leader.