Abyssal NOTES
RIFT VALLEY Marginal TRENCH SUBDUCTION ZONE Seafloor crust converging with continental crust EVEREST
Mid-ocean (deep sea) TRENCH CONVERGENCE of 2 pieces of seafloor (basaltic) crust
5% 200m / 4000m = PHOTIC Zone 200m PITCH BLACK BLUE 95% OF THE OCEAN IS PITCH BLACK ……24-7-365…for like BILLIONS of years (MAX LIGHT penetration) BLUE
BIOLUMINESCENT!! Deep-sea fish (etc)
Twilight Zone 214m deepest free dive 10 meter max Aqua Lung* (Jacque Cousteau) 332m max (He/O mix to 400m) (ADS to 610m, non-classified) Twilight Zone
* Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus
Midnight Zone Sperm whale hunts giant squid Deepest diving mammal: BEAKED WHALE, 2390m AMPHIPODS & SNAILFISH
modern subs WW2 ** Deep-Sea Rescue Vehicle 60* meters (10m) *crush depth 900* meters (100m) 1972**
Remotely-Operated Vehicle …the Titanic *** UW Alvin found… ***
Trieste Challenger Deep Walsh (U.S. Navy) & Picard (Swiss) January 1960 Jet Fuel “balloon” (James Cameron 2012) Challenger Deep Bathyscaphe People (diving bell)
PHYSICS tells us “you CAN compress a GAS… but NOT a liquid (solid)” 14.7 psi = 1 atm Increases 1 atm every 10m At sea level, air is almost 80% NITROGEN. As the pressure increases, it forces the nitrogen into your bloodstream which can cause Nitrogen Narcosis or **** . If you surface too fast, the rapid decrease in pressure allows the nitrogen to convert back into a gas while still in your blood vessels…turning your blood into FOAM (the “bends”). 15,000 psi High Pressure Nervous Syndrome **** …a LIQUID!! Extreme pressure can’t compress (crush) the bathyscaphe!!...but the fuel is less DENSE than seawater!! Jet Fuel “balloon”
50 kilotons 24 x 14 = 336 Multiple Re-entry Vehicles up to 14 s per missile 50 kilotons indepentdently targeted Sherwood Forest (5 X Hiroshima) BOOMER Polaris 24 x 14 = 336 TACTICAL NUKES