Hanoi International School Student-Led Conferences May, 2015
Form -What are Student-Led Conferences? Students Explaining and Leading a Learning Presentation Parents Observing Work Samples and Student Progress Families - Sharing Learning Teachers - Overseeing the Process Student-led conferences involve the student and parents. The students are responsible for leading the conference and also take responsibility for their learning by sharing the process with their parents. It may involve students demonstrating their understanding through a variety of different learning situations. The student will reflect on their work samples which have been chosen with careful guidance from the teacher. The student identifies areas of strength and areas for improvement (goals).
What do they look like?
Function -How do Student-Led Conferences work? It is the home-room teacher who has ultimate responsibility for the success of the conference The conferences must be carefully prepared and time must be set aside for the students to practise their presentations. Tuesday, May 6th singing session will be set aside so students can practice with another class. Single subject teachers will practice with the Reception class, grades two and five will share and the grade one classes will share with grades three and four. Teachers and students create an agenda, timeline or script so that each student is aware of what they need to do. This tool will include what they are planning to show in single subject classes. The format of this conference will depend on how each student has organised their conference. Classes will create their own set of essential agreements. There will be several conferences taking place simultaneously. The conferences can take place in the student’s mother tongue. The teacher’s role can involve: Helping a student when they are stressed Pointing/guiding the students in the right direction Reminding students of specific achievements if they have forgotten Participating if a parent cannot attend the SLC
Roles What are the roles and responsibilities of the student? What are the roles and responsibilities of the teacher? What are the roles and responsibilities of the parent? In your team meetings you will contribute to a Googledoc exploring this further
How do portfolios play a part in Student Led Conferences? Standard C4: 15: Assessment at the school requires the storage and easy access to student work showing evidence of the process of learning and progress over time. You can use student portfolios to guide the conference. Students will know what evidence of learning they will share, and will have practiced what they are going to say with either another class or an adult. You will be given time on a Tuesday morning, closer to the time, where the students can practice. There should be clear reasons why the work has been chosen from the portfolio and what it shows, related to the essential elements of the PYP. When sharing, students should also discuss the process of work.
Essential agreements You should create essential agreements with your class to allow them to understand the purpose of Student-Led Conferences. Some things to consider are: What should the Student Led Conference include? How will you organise what you want to share during the conference? How will you explain what you have chosen for the conference? What should the roles and responsibilities of the student, the parents and the teacher look like? How will the evidence of learning connect to the essential elements of the PYP?
Connection – How do SLCs connect with single subjects? It must be carefully planned so that students feel prepared. Students will be clear about what they are sharing and why they are sharing it. Participation with single subjects is student choice but must be guided by the teachers EAL level one students and SEN students will plan an activity to show a skill, knowledge or understanding based on their work with the ELS/SEN teacher. This will take place in the room where they do their EAL class.
Student Led Conferences are a celebration Student Led Conferences should be a positive experience for all participants. Draw out positive comments from the parents using reflection sheets or guided questions. (The Coordinator will email some options to use). Conferences must be well-prepared and students must feel confident and successful that they know what they are doing. That is why time needs to be taken to prepare for them.