WELCOME TO ARMENIAN NATIONAL AGRARIAN UNIVERSITY Dr. Alla Aleksanyan Head of division of Grant projects /Department of International Relations alla.alexanyan@gmail.com ERASMUS+ INTERNATIONAL WEEK 2017 Aigaleo, Greece, 23-27 October 2017
#Historical Review 1930 - was founded Armenian Agricultural Institute 1931 - Yerevan Zootechnical Veterinary Institute 1994 - was founded Armenian Agricultural Academy, in result of unification of Armenian Agricultural and Yerevan Zootechnical Veterinary Institutes 2005 - was renamed as Armenian State Agrarian University 2012 - was renamed as Armenian National Agrarian University
#Mission #Vision #Strategy to become an outstanding and leading educational, scientific-research and consultative center in the RA and in the region, which mobilizes the resources in the fields of education and science, integrates the results of basic scientific researches. *** To establish a world-class institutional research operation and institutional effectiveness system in support of the University’s mission. Internationally acknowledged research university with emphasis on research-based teaching Plurality of subjects – diversity in range of programmes offered Internationalisation Profile development through research foci Systematic developmental planning Interconnection with non-university research institutions
Armenian National Agrarian University is the only higher educational institution in Armenia that prepares specialists for the agrarian sphere. Studying Terms Full-time and Part-time Studying duration 4 - 4,6 years (Bachelor) + 1-1,5 years (Master) Beginning of Studies Full-time:1th September Part-time: acoording to curriculum Annual Fee Bachelor Full-time: 600-1000 euro Part-time: 500-800 euro Master Full-time: 750-850 euro Part-time:700-800 euro AMD
#FACT SHEET 11.000 undergraduate & 600 master and PhD students More than 55000 alumni More than 600 professors 30 educational programmes 39 specialities (32 Bachelor's / 39 Master's) 7 faculties 3 branches (Vanadzor, Sisian, Nagorno Karabakh Republic) 6 Scientific Research Centers & Institutes 5 Problem Laboratories
#FACT SHEET Agribusiness Teaching Center Center of Information Technologies and Innovation Programs Collage & Base Lyceum 2 Teaching-Experimental Farms Library Language Teaching Center 2 Museums Student Dormitory & Rest House
#FACULTIES Agronomy Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry Agriculture Mechanization and Automobile Transport Hydro Melioration, Land Management and Land Cadastre Food Product Technologies Economics Agribusiness and Marketing
#Scientific Institutes & Problem Laboratories Scientific Center of Agrobiotechnology Scientific Center of Viticulture, Fruit Growing and Wine Making Scientific Center of Soil Science, Melioration and Agrochemistry named after H. Petrosyan Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture Mechanization, Electrification and Transportation Scientific Research Institute of Foodstuff Technologies, Food Security and Biotechnology Research Center for Agrarian Policy and Economics Problem Laboratory of Pesticide Synthesis and Plant Protection Problem Laboratory of Plants' Genofond and Selection Problem Laboratory of Farm Animals' Genetics, Selection and Feeding Problem Laboratory of Veterinary Medicine and Veterinary Sanitary Expertise Problem Laboratory of Ecology and Organic Agriculture
#Department of International Relations The department of International realizes events of internationalization, organizes and conducts the mobility of students and academic staff, exchange of experience with reputable academic institutions, as well as participating in various international competitive programs. The department consists of two divisions; Division of Relations with Foreign Countries Division of International Grant Projects 0009, RA, Yerevan, Teryan 74, I building, room #127, #144, #145 Tel/Fax: (+37412) 58-58-08, (+37412) 56-74-11, E-mail: inter@anau.am
#International Relations ANAU widely involved in international educational, research and exchange programs. Currently ANAU has more than 60 inter-institutional agreements with HEIs from all over the world and 21 EU partner universities under ERASMUS+
For further information: www.anau.am Thank you for attention!!! For further information: www.anau.am https://www.facebook.com/anaupage/