Western Europe
Geography A small region consisting of 18 countries. Most of its people live in urban or large metro areas.
Madrid, Spain
Lisbon Portugal
Dublin, Ireland
London, (England) UK
Munich Germany
Gov. & Economics All countries in Western Europe have democratic governments and most have strong economies. Stockholm Sweden Oslo Norway-Opera House
Influence Despite its size, the countries of Western Europe have been more influential in shaping the modern world than any other region. Sun Never Set on the British Empire
There is hardly a nation or region in the world that hasn’t been exposed to Western European influence. French Colonial Empire
Western A term used to describe the ideals and cultural practices of Western Europe, the US, and Canada. Adopting or incorporating “western” ideals or practices is called westernization.
westernization. Examples of western cultures: Democratic governments Capitalism Human rights and equality for minorities and women Widespread use of technology Laws based upon Christian teachings
Widespread use of technology
European Union or “EU” An economic organization formed by some of the countries of Western Europe to coordinate transportation and banking systems as well as tariff –free trade between member nations. The EU is designed to financially benefit all member nations.
European Union or “EU”
Eurodollar or “Euro” A common currency among the nations of the European Union members. It has replaced the currency of all member nations.
Future Plans Supporters of the EU hope that eventually an EU government will replace present nation governments. They also envision a powerful common military.
Issues Member nations breaking rules. Failing economies in the Union Greece Italy