Anchorage Community Plan to End Homelessness Lisa Aquino, Chair, Anchorage Coalition to End Homelessness Executive Director, Catholic Social Srvcs Michele Brown, President and CEO, United Way of Anchorage Nancy Burke, Mayor Berkowitz’s Housing and Homeless Services Coordinator Nancy – slides 1-7: covering overview and framework for community Lisa – covering personal stories and view from the social services provider Michele – leveraging funders, community will and support
Homelessness: how to approach a complex issue? Organize resources and partners committed Assess needed infrastructure Ensure changes are lasting Replicate!
Homeless: outcomes over 2 year period Number of single adults decreased from 902 to 840 More people seeking shelter than attempting to stay outdoors Number of families without a place to stay fell by 91 – from 371 to 280
Partners make it happen Partners may focus on different measures/aspects Municipality - public safety and safety net Homeless social service providers – non-profits working together to house people and meet basic needs Families, youth, veterans, adults, specialized population United Way - Community wide data, convening and system focus Anchorage Coalition to End Homelessness - HUD Continuum of Care, Coordinated Entry and leveraged grant resources Community
Partners make it happen Partners may focus on different measures/aspects Specialized Non-profit services – medical, mental health, substance treatment Medical access (Catholic Social Services and hospitals) Behavioral health focus on how funding works in community Substance Treatment services and access for timely treatment Elderly homeless Street outreach
Headline Indicators Find the people Timeline to housing from homelessness Rate of homeless persons in community Housing – reduce time in homelessness Rate of units for stable residences Stabilize and maintain healthy individuals and families Length of time stable after housing Rate of homeless individuals reporting success in housing
Current data – collaboration works: Find the people: 711: current number of people on the “By Name list” (Jan- Jul 2017) Housing first! House people and reduce time homeless: 217: Number of people housed for continued recovery/progress (Jan-Jul 2017) 200: Mayor’s Action Agenda focusing on chronically homeless adults over 2 years
John’s Story: back on his feet
James and Dana’s Story: a new perspective
Addressing the needs of a community One provider’s experience: Catholic Social Services Last year 462 people positively exited homeless services at our agency – 462 people housed Medical respite and clinical services at Brother Francis Shelter In MR pilot - 80% did not return to homelessness after respite Clare House – Rate of families returning to shelter fell from 15% to 3% because of progressive housing and trauma informed care Brother Francis Shelter – working to promote safety and create an environment where guest can plan for the future and become more self-sufficient Increased staff and reorganized positions Changed to the trauma informed care model Increase partnerships to provide more services
Creating and Supporting Systems to End Homelessness in Anchorage Alaska Homeless Management Information System Coordinated Entry Continuum of Care grants HUD Youth Demonstration Project Project Homeless Connect and the Point in Time Count Creating and Supporting Systems to End Homelessness in Anchorage
Systemic Focus: Partners and Resources United Way role as system focused partner Finances that have come into the system Municipality: 2016 $425,000 to coordinate outreach and “Find them” Providence Health Services - $2,000,000 to continue system improvements
Anchorage Plan to End Homelessness Transform to a client centric, networked services community system where homelessness is rare and brief Population focus and coordination Single adults Veterans Youth and young adults transitioning Families Re-Entry Community infrastructure Housing and Homeless Services alignment and coordination Data repository and reporting Housing Units Community connection System financing, resources, and community investment Sustainability Communications Pipeline to opportunities
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