Review Question What was one important result from the Louisiana Purchase?
James Madison and The War of 1812
James Madison Wrote most of the Constitution “Father of the Constitution” One of the Authors of the Federalist Papers. Wrote the Bill of Rights as a member of the first Congress of the US. Helped found the Democratic Republican Party Jefferson’s Secretary of State, oversaw the Louisiana Purchase and Lewis and Clark Expedition Fourth President of the United States, 1809-1817
The War of 1812 As Jefferson left office in 1809, he ended the Embargo that hurt American Merchants and Sailors because Europe did not need our goods. When Madison became President, he still faced problems from overseas Britain and France continued to attack American ships Britain took US soldiers for the British navy (impressments) Britain supported American Indians in battles against US settlers.
The War of 1812 Madison retaliated against the British by declaring war in 1812 The United States was not prepared for war because the Congress had not invested in an army and some states did not support “Mr. Madison’s War” and would not send state Militias. The war went badly for Americans most of the time and had many defeats but their ships proved to be formidable foes.
The War of 1812 Despite opposition to the war from his own Party, Madison was reelected in 1812. He also faced opposition from the Federalist Party and New England (whose merchants were hurt when trade stopped with Europe). He was forced to flee Washington when the British burned the White House and other buildings in 1814.
War of 1812 Weary from battle, the British and the US signed a peace treaty (an armistice). The Treaty of Ghent was signed in December 1814. Before the word of the Treaty spread, the Battle of New Orleans took place. A major victory for the US, the battle shined a positive light on the controversial war. Major General Andrew Jackson was the hero of the Battle of New Orleans and was vaulted into national stardom. Once blamed for the errors of the war, Madison was later hailed for its triumphs.
Effects of the War The United States showed the rest of the world they would continue to fight for their independence. The defeat of Native American Tribes opened up land in the Louisiana Territory for settlement. The Federalist Party was disgraced. The National Anthem was written after the failed Bombardment of Fort McHenry. Many of the contentious questions were left unresolved.
Domestic Issue during Madison’s Presidency Renewal of the National bank came up in 1812 against heavy opposition. It was opposed by “Old Republicans,” Anti-British Republicans, and State banking interests. The renewal drive was killed in 1812 which hurt the country’s war effort: No means to support war loans and no easy access to government credit. The Second US Bank was chartered in 1816 for 20 years with help from Madison. He opposed the bank when it was first proposed by Alexander Hamilton.
War of 1812 2nd War for Independence Against Great Britain Great Britain destroys US capital, burned DC Impressments of sailors/ kidnapping Andrew Jackson becomes a hero in New Orleans War Hawks: People who wanted War Infringement of US rights by the British Doves: War was the last thing the US needed US runs out British Treaty of Ghent ends it: armistice
Causes Immediate Causes Impressments Britain refused to leave Great Lakes U.S. refused to pay debts owed to Br. after the Rev. Causes Impressments – Chesapeake vs. Leopard Affair (naval battle) War Hawks Immediate Causes
Embargo Act 1807 – “peaceable coercion” Jefferson’s Actions Embargo Act 1807 – “peaceable coercion” President during War War “Nickname” James Madison “Mr. Madison’s War”
Results of War Treaty of Ghent Restored the status quo antebellum No territorial changes Fixed boundary for US and Canada No mention of impressments Surge of nationalism New flag Star-Spangled Banner Uncle Sam Results of War
Most Famous Battle of the War Battle of New Orleans Heroes Andrew Jackson
Other Key Facts Oliver H. Perry – Battle of Lake Erie “We have met the enemy, and they are ours.” William Henry Harrison – Battle of Tippecanoe Burning of the White House Other Key Facts
Visual Representation of the War of 1812 Create a Visual Representation on the War of 1812. Your poster should include Causes and effects of the War of 1812 and major events that took place during the war. The Title, “War of 1812,” should be featured somewhere in your poster. Your poster must be colorful
War of 1812 Timeline Fold a sheet of paper into 4 squares. In the Middle write the title “The War of 1812” Illustrate 4 events/causes/results of the war in chronological order. Each box should have a caption explaining what going on. You have a wide range of time from around 1807 to 1815. Blue book page 189-191, Green book page 237-242, Red book (online) Chapter 3 Section 1, p. 114