Elementary Principal Selection Process


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Presentation transcript:

Elementary Principal Selection Process Summit Hall Elementary School May 22, 2017 Staff May 25, 2017 Community Ms. Loretta Favret Director, School Support and Improvement Quince Orchard, Rockville, Wootton Cluster Elementary Schools and Summit Hall Elementary School

Our Shared Interests To make sure that the selection of a new principal involves input from all stakeholders (families, staff, and in the case of high schools - students). To select the best principal for the job that matches the values and needs of the school community. To hire a principal who will work collaboratively to create a positive school environment for students, staff, and families. To appoint a principal who will lead with equity and establish the conditions that result in achievement for all students. To support and ensure success for the principal.

Process Overview Confirm vacancy & advertise position Collect characteristics from staff & community Review applicants & select interview candidates that match characteristics Identify interview questions connected to characteristics Select interview panel (staff, community, MCPS staff) Conduct interviews with potential candidates Identify finalist candidate following the interview panel Hold a finalist meeting with Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, and Associate Superintendent The Board of Education appoints the principal at a meeting

Potential Candidate Fields Principal Interns Current MCPS principals Current principals from outside of MCPS Eligible Assistant Principals Acting Principals

Interview Panel Goal: To ensure a range of perspectives are represented by staff, families, and school system leaders. Panel Characteristics: Approximately 5-6 parents, 5-6 staff members, and 4 central office staff. Panel members often include: Teachers/Teacher Leaders Support Staff Leaders PTA President or PTA President Elect Elected Faculty and Support Representatives (EFR/ESR) The interview panel should match the demographics of the school community.

Characteristics Collection Monday, May 22, 2017 List of 11 principal leadership skills are described and participants identify the top 4 priorities for their principal. An electronic version of the survey is available for families or staff who cannot attend this meeting. Surveys are collected and a report is generated that identifies the top characteristics of the staff and the community.

Interview Structure Monday, June 5, 2017 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Candidates Typically 3 to 4 candidates are selected. Interviews Held at Carver Educational Service Center (CESC). Approximately 30 minutes per candidate; 5 minutes between each. Debrief following all candidates. Only the preapproved questions may be asked of the candidate. Interviews are held in strictest confidence. Panel provides input to the Director through the debriefing process. The interview is an integral part of the hiring process.

Principal Appointment Tuesday, June 13, 2017 Following the interviews, 2 candidates are invited to a finalist meeting with: Dr. Jack R. Smith, Superintendent Dr. Kimberly S. Statham, Deputy Superintendent Dr. LaVerne G. Kimball, Associate Superintendent of Elementary Schools. Dr. Jack R. Smith, superintendent, makes a recommendation to the Board of Education (BOE). The BOE votes on the appointment at the identified meeting—No announcement is made prior to the BOE meeting date. New principal officially begins July 1, 2017. Informal meet and greets arranged with school and PTA before the official start date – meeting parents, staff, and students.

Principal Support & Supervision All principals are supported, supervised, and evaluated by Directors from the Office of School Support and Improvement. The Professional Growth System for Administrators and Supervisors identifies six (6) standards for principal performance. Support from a consulting principal. *For 1st year principals Evaluation Data includes: Student Learning Objectives/School Improvement Plan Supervisory school visits Formal observations Perceptual data from staff and community


Principal Characteristics Electronic Survey Option Parent Survey Link English https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/JRPVRNPSHESComm Spanish  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/JT5YN9SSHESCommSp Staff Survey Link   English https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/JTFVTTWSHESStaff Spanish https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/JMTPGZCSHESStaffSp