National strategy for preventing and combating Men’s Violence against Women Ministry of Health and Social Affairs.


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Presentation transcript:

National strategy for preventing and combating Men’s Violence against Women Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

● Four objectives ● Organization for implementation & follow-up ● A Government Agency for Gender Equality ● Specific orientation National strategy for preventing and combating Men’s Violence against Women 2017‒2026 incl. action plan 2017‒2020 ● SEK 600 million (+SEK 300 million grants for municipalities and regions 2016-2018, SEK 425 million non-profit shelters 2015-2019) ● Announcements - Tasks for Government Agencies - Inquiries - Grants for civil society organizations Ministry of Health and Social Affairs 2

Power, Goals and Agency ‒ a feminist policy for a gender-equal future (Govt Comm. 2016/17:10): ● Physical & psychological (incl. sexual) violence against women & girls, & threats thereof ● Violence and oppression in the name of honour National strategy for preventing and combatting Men’s Violence against Women must stop ● Commercialization & exploitation of the female body in the media, pornography & advertisement ● Prostitution & trafficking in persons for the purpose of sexual exploitation = Women and men, girls and boys, must have the same right and ability to bodily integrity Ministry of Health and Social Affairs 3

violence by/against persons who do not self-identify as Scope of Application National strategy for preventing and combatting Men’s Violence against Women ALL kinds of violence, FGM, commercialization/ exploitation of the female body in the media, pornography, & advertisement violence by/against persons who do not self-identify as women’s violence against women Domestic violence, incl. violence & oppression in the name of honour, child marriages, forced marriages, sexual offences, prostitution & sex trafficking ♀/♂ men’s violence against men women’s violence against men Ministry of Health and Social Affairs 4

violence by/against persons who do not self-identify as Scope of Application National strategy for preventing and combatting Men’s Violence against Women Istanbul Convention (Council of Europe 2011) ALL kinds of violence, FGM, commercialization/ exploitation of the female body in the media, porn, & advertisement violence by/against persons who do not self-identify as women’s violence against women Domestic violence, incl. violence & oppression in the name of honour, child marriages, forced marriages, sexual offences, prostitution & sex trafficking ♀/♂ men’s violence against men women’s violence against men Ministry of Health and Social Affairs 5

Nationell strategi för att förebygga och bekämpa mäns våld mot kvinnor Key Principles Focus on prevention, perpetrators & norms around masculinity Knowledge-based practice National strategy for preventing and combatting Men’s Violence against Women Nationell strategi för att förebygga och bekämpa mäns våld mot kvinnor Attention to girls & young women as victims of violence Improved coordination & management Vulnerability due to different life-situations/ circumstances LGBT-rights Norms of honour The Rights of the Child Disability Rights Perspective Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

1 2 Objectives Enhanced and effective prevention Improved detection, protection and support Universal prevention Targeted interventions for perpetrators Identification of victims and perpetrators Improved protection & support for children Improved local coordination National strategy for preventing and combatting Men’s Violence against Women must stop Improved knowledge and development of methods More effective crime control 4 Knowledge on prevalence, interventions & costs, effective prevention, Development of methods in work with victims & perpetrators, Initial & in-service training Supervision Support for the injured party/victim Police work against repeated violence Interventions against buying sex & trafficking Threats & violations on the internet 3 Ministry of Health and Social Affairs 7

1 2 Government agencies – national level Enhanced and effective prevention Improved detection, protection and support ● Public Health Agency ● Swedish Social Insurance Agency ● Swedish Migration Agency ● Agency for Participation ● Family Law & Parental Support Authority ● National Board of Health & Welfare ● National Agency for Education & others. National strategy for preventing and combatting Men’s Violence against Women must stop ● AGENCY FOR GENDER EQUALITY 2018→ Within the framework of their ordinary activities: ● Swedish Prison & Probation Service ● Swedish Council for Crime Prevention ● Swedish Prosecution Authority ● Swedish Police Authority 4 3 Improved knowledge and development of methods More effective crime control Ministry of Health and Social Affairs 8

1 2 Agency for Gender Equality Enhanced and effective prevention Improved detection, protection and support ● The Public Health Agency ● Swedish Social Insurance Agency ● Swedish Migration Agency ● Agency for Participation ● Family Law & Parental Support Authority ● National Board of Health & Welfare ● National Agency for Education & others. National strategy for preventing and combatting Men’s Violence against Women must stop ● AGENCY FOR GENDER EQUALITY 2018→ ► support coordination of government agencies at national level ► support for the county administrative boards ► training and methodological support for local/regional actors (selected topics) ► follow-up and report on work under the national strategy 4 3 Improved knowledge and development of methods More effective crime control Ministry of Health and Social Affairs 9

1 2 4 3 National ↔ regional level County Administrative Board Enhanced and effective prevention Improved detection, protection and support MUNICIPALITIES COUNTY COUNCILS/REGIONS CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANIZATIONS Local/regional branches of national government agencies County Administrative Board ● AGENCY FOR GENDER EQUALITY 2018→ ● The Public Health Agency ● Swedish Social Insurance Agency ● Swedish Migration Agency ● Agency for Participation ● Family Law & Parental Support Authority ● National Board of Health & Welfare ● National Agency for Education & others. 4 3 Improved knowledge and development of methods More effective crime control Ministry of Health and Social Affairs 10

1 2 4 3 County Administrative Boards County Administrative Board Enhanced and effective prevention Improved detection, protection and support MUNICIPALITIES COUNTY COUNCILS/REGIONS CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANIZATIONS Local/regional branches of national government agencies County Administrative Board is expected to ► support coordination of local interventions ► support development of services ► promote services that are difficult to provide for single municipalities ► provide knowledge, methods & support for implementation, especially in violence prevention ► develop regional strategies & action plans ► follow-up & report on regional work under the national strategy 4 3 Improved knowledge and development of methods More effective crime control Ministry of Health and Social Affairs 11

1 2 4 3 Follow-Up County Administrative Board Enhanced and effective prevention Improved detection, protection and support MUNICIPALITIES COUNTY COUNCILS/REGIONS CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANIZATIONS Local/regional branches of national government agencies County Administrative Board National Government Agencies ● Agency for Gender Equality 2018→ ● Government Offices→ action plans ● Indicators of prevalence (men’s violence against women) as well as progression of interventions developed by the National Board of Health & Welfare 2017–2018 ● Forthcoming evaluation of the entire strategy 4 3 Improved knowledge and development of methods More effective crime control Ministry of Health and Social Affairs 12

1 2 New initiatives Enhanced and effective prevention Improved detection, protection and support EXAMPLES Considering making freedom from violence a public health policy objective Information on health and gender equality targeting asylum-seeking & newly arrived children and youth Inquiry into preventive interventions with perpetrators Review of the Health Care Act concerning information, counselling & support for children affected by domestic violence Inquiry into shelters/safe houses from a child rights perspective National strategy for preventing and combatting Men’s Violence against Women must stop Development of health care statistics National survey of violence & oppression in the name of honour Development of methods in health care & social services Mandatory training for selected professions New tasks for the Family Law & Parental Support Authority & the Agency for Participation Review of legal protection against child marriages, forced marriages and crimes in the name of honour Lägg in MFD 4 3 Improved knowledge and development of methods More effective crime control Ministry of Health and Social Affairs 13