Online Safety
Cyber bullying Cyber bullying sometimes is caused by you posting a picture of yourself on Instagram, Facebook and people looking for a good laugh.
Privacy In the online world really good privacy does not exist. For ex. on Facebook the privacy settings don’t cover everything nothing does. You are the key holder for the lock
How to keep information Try not to post pictures of yourself with any of your private information on it because there is always someone out there looking for it.
Keep your Passwords Secret Keeping your password a secret is important a password has access to all your accounts, emails, banking etc. People can change your password if they know what it is
Your phone password is very important because think about how much information is on your phone you don’t want to give that away. Lots of friends share passwords don’t even if their your best friend
When you make a new account and make a new password some people put 1234 or abcd as a password or their name. Try to do something unique something no one will think of
Identity To have a good online identity don’t post bad images of yourself or any images of yourself in a bad way people do it to look cool but we all know we are already cool in our own way