2 minute edit Write the titles in the following sentences correctly: Fudge goes to school is my favorite chapter in the book fudgemania. There was an article in the new york times titled schools lose funding.
Title: The People of Ancient Greece and Rome: History and Myth Reading Goal: Questioning Team Cooperation Goal: Complete Tasks Genre: Expository Author: Tanya Jackson
Vocabulary Review vocabulary with your partner Vocabulary Vault
fictional: False, not true I reminded myself that the really sad story was only fictional and didn’t really happen.
We lost when the game ended tragically. sadly We lost when the game ended tragically.
confronted: faced John confronted his fear of public speaking by raising his hand at the assembly.
I’ve learned a lot since the onset of the school year. beginning I’ve learned a lot since the onset of the school year.
The doctors listened to their esteemed colleague as he spoke to them. Respected, highly regarded The doctors listened to their esteemed colleague as he spoke to them.
pillaged: attacked The raccoons pillaged the trash can and took all the food we’d thrown out.
fare: Get along, survive Marissa studied hard so that she would fare well in the difficult class.
“Get your hands off my property!” Lisa yelled to the thief. Things a person owns “Get your hands off my property!” Lisa yelled to the thief.
Think Pair Share Review the main ideas and supporting details from your idea trees Let’s survey today’s section (pgs. 49-52) Can you think of a good question to ask about the text so far? Why is Metamorphoses important?
Listening Comprehension Listen and follow along as I read pages 49 and 50.
Let’s look at the questions on page 22 Preview Team Talk Let’s look at the questions on page 22
Partner Reading Questioning Checklist Read and Restate pages 51 and 52 Record main ideas and details on your idea tree as you read If you finish ahead of time, reread the section for fluency practice
Team Discussion Discuss idea trees Share questions Discuss team talk questions Write answers to #2 and 3 Team Talk Extender: Does the author do a good job of showing you what life was like in ancient Greece and Rome? Why or why not?
Class Discussion Idea trees Share questions (Challenge Each Other!) Discuss team talk questions
Team Practice Vocabulary (pg. 22) Fluency (pg. 39, 43, 47, or 51)