The Characteristics of Living Organisms What are the distinguish features of living organisms?
High degree of complexity and microscopic organization Thousands of different molecules make up a cell’s intricate internal structures. These include very long polymers, each with its characteristic sequence of subunits, its unique three-dimensional structure, and its highly specific selection of binding partners in the cell.
Systems for extracting, transforming, and using energy from the environment systems enabling organisms to build and maintain their intricate structures and to do mechanical, chemical, osmotic and electrical work: Eat Breath Excretion Movement
Defined functions for each of an organism components and regulated interactions among them The interplay among the chemical components of a living organism is dynamic; Changes in one component cause coordinating or compensating changes in another, with the whole ensemble displaying a character beyond that of its individual parts. The collection of molecules carries out a program, the end result of which is reproduction of the program and self-perpetuation of that collection of molecules—in short, life.
Mechanisms for sensing and responding to alteration in their surrounding Organisms constantly adjust to these changes by adapting their internal chemistry or their location in the environment: Eyes are sensitive to light so that we can see skin is sensitive to hot or cold and to pressure, touch and wounds shoots will grow and bend toward the direction of the light.
A Capacity for precise self-replication and self-assembly Reproduction: Every living organism will produce its own offspring, called reproduction. Every species has different methods to reproduce, but the two main methods are by asexual (vegetative) and sexual (generative) reproduction.
A capacity to change over time by gradual evolution organisms change their inherited life strategies, in very small steps, to survive in new circumstances. The result of eons of evolution is an enormous diversity of life forms, superficially very different but fundamentally related through their shared ancestry. This fundamental unity of living organisms is reflected at the molecular level in the similarity of gene sequences and protein structures.