SMC Green Procurement Background
“Purchasing is always a moral – and not simply economic – act”. -Pope Benedict XVI, Caritas Veritate, 2009
What do we value?
Why Bother?
Purchasing in Higher Ed 61% of likely applicants say a school's commitment to sustainability would affect their decision to apply or attend; 65% of survey respondents (procurement professionals in higher education) report green procurement as an official component of their campus's official sustainability plan (up from 62 percent in 2009); Have them read 47% report their departments are working under a formal green procurement policy — a number that has doubled during the past five years. Source
What about Saint Mary’s College?
Strategic Plan – Goal #3C Raise the visibility of how the campus community can support sustainability efforts, consistent with our Sustainability Action Plan, through various actions (e.g., learn, assess, act, advocate, and pray). Our Catholic and Lasallian traditions require good stewardship of the earth and service to the economically poor, many of whom live in areas most at risk of environmentally related inequalities. Have them read
Saint Mary’s Stats 4,000 students 1,000 faculty / staff $175m operating budget $29.9m in purchased goods / services Scope 1 & 2 emissions 7,800 tons of CO2 equiv. Scope 3 emissions 10,163 tons of CO2 equiv. Building Energy consumption 33.4 million kWh Tons landfilled 462 tons of waste
We’re already doing it… $47,000 + in 30% recycled content office paper $5,300 in GreenSeal / EcoLogo cleaning products $370,000 in EPEAT certified electronics $205,000 in waste landfilled
Saint Mary’s College - Procurement Decentralized Comprehensive policies on: How to purchase When to purchase Some policies on: Where to purchase What to purchase
Office Depot GreenerOffice™ products ▪ 1,100+ of our greener products feature one or more third-party ecolabel: Ecolabels focused on Saving Resources / Reducing Waste Ecolabels focused on Saving Energy / Lower Emissions Ecolabels focused on Safer Chemicals / Safeguarding Health Multiple Attribute Ecolabels Furniture Technology 14