Essentials: notebooks, AND technology for quiz Warm – Up Statement of Inquiry: 8/18-20/2015 WARM UP You will have 10 minutes to complete the biomolecule organizer as a group. This is a review for your quiz! Objective(s): ((Obj 1) Describe the role of enzymes in chemical reaction. 10 min AGENDA Essentials: notebooks, AND technology for quiz Warm – Up Homework: review enzymes and study for lab next class Announcements: SMU Field Trip 28th Lab next class PICK UP BOOKS!
Fill in the Macromolecule Graphic organizer at your table. As a group… Fill in the Macromolecule Graphic organizer at your table. PREPARE FOR QUIZ!
Kahoot! Quiz Everyone will need their phones for the kahoot quiz. If you do not have a cellular device, scholars may use a sheet of paper. Table with the highest scores will receive a homework pass! PICK UP BOOKS!
Statement of Inquiry/IB Trait The relationship between the structure and function of our parts is one way that we define what it means to be human. IB TRAIT: KNOWLEDGEABLE, COMMUNICATORS and INQUIRERS
What Are Enzymes? Most enzymes are Proteins Act as Catalyst to accelerates a reaction DO Not permanently changed in the process
Enzyme Song
How do enzymes Work? Enzymes work by weakening bonds which lowers activation energy *Book model
Enzymes Without Enzyme With Enzyme Free Energy Progress of the reaction Reactants Products Free energy of activation
What Affects Enzyme Activity? Three factors: 1. Environmental Conditions 2. Cofactors and Coenzymes 3. Enzyme Inhibitors
1. Environmental Conditions 1. Extreme Temperature are the most dangerous - high temps may denature (unfold) the enzyme. SUNLIGHT! 2. pH (most like 6 - 8 pH near neutral) If the pH is too high or low the enzyme will not work
2. Cofactors and Coenzymes Inorganic substances such as IRON are sometimes need for proper enzymatic activity. Example: Iron must be present for the structure of red blood cells in order for it to pick up oxygen.
Denaturating Proteins Changes in temperature & pH can denature (unfold) a protein so it no longer works Cooking denatures protein in eggs Milk protein separates into curds & whey when it denatures
Read over your enzyme lab procedures. This should be down quietly! Statement of Inquiry: 8/20-21/2015 WARM UP Read over your enzyme lab procedures. This should be down quietly! NO TALKING! Objective(s): ((Obj 1) Investigate the role of enzymes in chemical reaction. 10 min AGENDA Essentials: notebooks, Lab report Warm – Up Homework: Complete lab report given in class. We will write up a lab report in class on Monday. Announcements: SMU Field Trip 28th Lab next class LAB TODAY!
Enzyme-Substrate Complex The substance (reactant) an enzyme acts on is the substrate Enzyme Joins Substrate
Active Site A restricted region of an enzyme molecule which binds to the substrate. LOCK AND KEY Active Site Enzyme Substrate
Competitive Inhibitor vs. Noncompetitive inhibitor A competitive inhibitor blocks the active binding site and prevents a reaction Noncompetitive inhibitor attaches the enzyme and changes the shape of the active site.
Interesting Fact
Enzyme + Substrate = Product
What is the catalyst in this reaction? What was the reactant? (APPLY KNOWLEDGE)
http://highered. mheducation /chapter2/animation__how_enzymes_work.html
Independent Practice ________ energy is the energy required to start a chemical reaction. ________ increase the speed of chemical reactions by reducing the activation energy. What would life be without enzymes? What is an enzyme? What factors affect enzyme action? Voice level 0 10 min
Exit ticket! The energy needed to start a chemical reaction is called _____ energy. a. cohesive c. activation b. Adhesive d. ionic 2. Most enzymes are Lipids b. carbohydrates c. proteins. d. nucleic acids The Substance labeled catalyst is also known as? Enzyme Substrate Binding site
Possible answer Modern prokaryotes are unicellular organelle lacking organisms that include archaebacteria and eubacteria. They can be found in nearly any environment on Earth, including volcanic vents at the bottom of the ocean and ice in Arctic and Antarctic regions
Objective of the day ((Obj 1) Compare the structure of prokaryotic cells with that of eukaryotic cells
Cells or no Cells 5 min Make a list of those items that are comprised of cells and those items not comprised of cells. Write a rationale for each answer.
Possible answer Grass, grasshoppers, and bark of tree are comprised of cells. They are either living or were once living. Rocks, soil, and water are not comprised of cells. They are nonliving
Statement of Inquiry/IB Trait The relationship between the structure and function of our parts is one way that we define what it means to be human. IB TRAIT: KNOWLEDGEABLE, COMMUNICATORS and INQUIRERS
Homework Write definitions for: cell theory cell membrane cytoplasm cytoskeleton ribosome prokaryote cell wall flagellum eukaryote nucleus organelle cilium
Cell song
Basic Structure of a Cell copyright cmassengale
copyright cmassengale Introduction to Cells Cells are the basic units of organisms Cells can only be observed under microscope Basic types of cells: Bacterial Cell Animal Cell Plant Cell copyright cmassengale
copyright cmassengale Number of Cells Organisms may be: Unicellular – composed of one cell Multicellular- composed of many cells that may organize copyright cmassengale
Cells May be Prokaryotic or Eukaryotic Prokaryotes include bacteria & lack a nucleus or membrane-bound structures called organelles Eukaryotes include most other cells & have a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles (plants, fungi, & animals) copyright cmassengale
copyright cmassengale Prokaryotes Nucleoid region contains the DNA Cell membrane & cell wall Contain ribosomes (no membrane) to make proteins in their cytoplasm copyright cmassengale
copyright cmassengale Eukaryotic Cell Contain 3 basic cell structures: Nucleus Cell Membrane Cytoplasm with organelles copyright cmassengale
Draw a prokaryote and an eukaryote cell and label its parts. Guided Practice #1 10 min Draw a prokaryote and an eukaryote cell and label its parts.
Guided Practice #1 10 min
Turn and talk in your table groups and compare your diagram. Guided Practice 3 min Turn and talk in your table groups and compare your diagram. Voice Level 1 .
Insert Brain Break here 3 min Insert Brain Break here Ideas: Drink water Talk to someone you have not talked to today. 25 jumping jacks Simon Says One minute dance party
Independent Practice Using the Scientific Process 12 min Using the Scientific Process Complete the Independent Practice #1 worksheet in your guided notes. Voice Level 0
Talk about what you have learned so far today. Turn and Talk 2 min Talk about what you have learned so far today. (Introduce Yourself)
Exit Ticket 5 min Complete the exit ticket silently and stack at your table group when you are finished. You may pack up your things.
STOP Cards S Summarize: Summarize the day’s lesson and what we learned. T Trait: What IB trait relates to the lesson? O Objective: Re-state in your own words and say whether or not we met that objective for the day. P Purpose: What was the purpose of this lesson?
Exit Procedure SILENTLY Pack up all of your things. Wait for teach directions to: Push in your chair. Form a line at the door. Silently exit the classroom. Hallways are a Level 1 (whisper)