Pyramid of Interventions At Hidden River ALL Means ALL! Schoolwide Supports Tier 1: Core Program for ALL Teacher Team Led Supports Essential standards identified in all classes Common assessments for all essential standards Math data notebooks & study plans Graphic organizers Open Hawk Time sessions Test re-takes Progress monitoring and students tracked on all essentials* Cornell note-taking in all classes* Learning targets identified for all essentials* WEB Open Hawk Time sessions Daily Agenda use Schoolwide recognition Skyward/Family Access Hawk Bucks Quarterly HAWK goals Canvas* The Hawk Way Program Tier 2: Supplemental Support MORE TARGETED Mandatory homework completion (will) Mandatory Hawk Time ZAP After school study club Adopt A Hawk Peer mentoring Behavior Check in/out* Conflict Managers* Escorted ZAP / Hawk Time* Mandatory Hawk Time (skill) Audio reading accommodation Modified homework/assignments Mix up classes within teams Small group initial instruction Small group re-teach Guided notes Co-teaching Kahn Academy Peer tutoring* MORE INTENSIVE Tier 3: Intensive Support Academic Support class Intensive Reading Intervention Org/Soc/Beh Pull-Out Support Extra period Math lab Schedule modifications ELL Support Class Social Group Hidden River Pyramid of Interventions At Hidden River ALL Means ALL!