Mrs. Hughes’ Second- Grade Class Welcome - students and parents!
Welcome to Second Grade! Welcome to the second grade and to 2D classroom. I look forward to a fun and exciting school year!!
All About Me My background I grew up in Clearwater, SC. I graduated from Midland Valley High School and The University of South Carolina. I am married and have an 12 year old that attends Westminster and a 22 year old that attends Aiken Tech. I’ve been teaching for 16 years.
My Goals To give your child the academic and social skills he/she will need to progress to third grade. To provide a supportive and fun classroom environment. To help your child make new friends and discover new interests.
Class Subjects The subjects we cover during second grade are: Reading, language arts, and writing Math Science/Health Social studies Music, art, physical education, library skills, writing lab,and guidance.
Classroom Community Our classroom is a community. In our community, we have rules to help us get along with each other. Our class rules are: Safety - keep your hands and feet to yourself. Thoughtful – raise your hand to speak. Accountable –Pay attention and be prepared for class. Respect – treat myself and others in a kind and friendly way.
Homework I will assign homework every night except Fridays or on holidays. Every child is responsible for doing his/her homework. Homework will be written in your child’s agenda daily. PLEASE SIGN THE AGENDA NIGHTLY.
Mrs. Hughes’ Class Schedule 7:30-7:45 Morning Work 7:45-9:10 ELA Block 9:15-9:40 Intervention 9:45-10:10 Social Studies 10:15-10:35 Compass 10:35-10:55 Recess 10:55-11:25 Science 11:30-11:55 Lunch 12:00-12:55 Math 1:00-1:50 Activity 1:55-2:05 Pack Up 2:05 Report to the pod
Reminders PE is on Thursday (dress accordingly). Return library books on Wednesday.
Tardiness School starts at 7:30 A.M. If your child is not in the classroom by the time the tardy bell rings, he or she must check in at the school office before coming to class.
Field Trips We will attend a play at Augusta State We will also be going to Ruth Patrick Science Center. We are currently working on scheduling other trips as well.
Supplies Needed We are always needing additional pencils, tissues, hand sanitizer, soap, baby wipes, and clorox wipes. If you could donate these at any time, we would appreciate it. Thank you!
And feel a hundred butterflies. Children grow; They laugh, they learn. School begins… You bring your child You hold their hand hope they’ll smile. The teacher is there – You say goodbye- And feel a hundred butterflies. Children grow; They laugh, they learn. Then comes the day – They leave in turn. And as a teacher I will be As proud as you – Because your kids Are my kids too!
I look forward to working with your child this year! Thanks for visiting 2D. I look forward to working with your child this year! Have a great week!
Let’s Have a Great Year! “We are family…together we can!” Together WE CAN make this school year the best ever!