Welcome to Fourth Grade! Mrs. Gauthier, Ms. Rader and Mrs. Young would like to welcome you to fourth grade. It is going to be an exciting and educational year! cgauthier@lincoln.k12.nc.us lrader@lincoln.k12.nc.us ryoung@lincoln.k12.nc.us
School Fees Students will need to purchase their personal planner from the school. The cost is $5.00. In addition to the planner, fourth grade orders Science Newspapers and Time for Kids Magazines to share within the grade level in order to minimize cost. The cost is $8.60 per child. Total Schools Fees per child: $13.60
Homework Homework should take your child approximately 30-40 min. or less to complete each night. Please check your child’s agenda nightly for homework assignments and daily behavior. Parents will need to sign your child’s agenda every night.
Monday, August 28th Paperwork Consider yourself a celebrity! We want your autograph! The students and I will try to highlight the places that need to be signed or filled out by you. We will staple papers together that need to be returned to school. Thank you in advance for taking the time and effort to fill out these papers. School day is 8:00-2:40. Please make every effort to minimize tardies and absences. After ten parent notes, a doctor note is required for the absence to be excused.
Classroom Supplies The fourth grade recommended supply list is available on the school’s website. You may also pick one up in the office. Additional Requests: Hand Soap Hand Sanitizer Lysol Wipes Dry Erase Markers
Transportation Transportation: If there is a change in transportation, please write a note on the day you request a change or days before. It is very important that our children are safe at all times!
Lunch Times for Fourth Grade Lunch Times for each Class: Other Lunch Times for Fourth Grade Lunch Times for each Class: Gauthier: 11:45-12:15 Rader: 11:50-12:20 Young: 11:55-12:25 Lincoln County Policy states that visitors must eat lunch at a designated area with their child only. If you send in birthday treats the items must be store bought. Do not send in homemade snacks. Students will be allowed to purchase ice cream on Fridays. The cost is $.60. Students must bring in the correct change.
Schedule Young M: Music 8:15-8:55 P.E. 9:00-9:40 T: Media 8:15-8:55 W: Technology 8:15-8:55 Art 9:00-9:40 Th: P.E. 8:15-8:55 F: Guidance 8:15-8:55 Gauthier M: P.E. 8:15-8:55 T: Art 8:15-8:55 Media 9:00-9:40 W: Music 8:15-8:55 P.E. 9:00-9:40 Th: Guidance 8:15-8:55 F: Technology 8:15-8:55 Rader M: Guidance 8:15-8:55 T: P.E. 8:15-8:55 W: Art 8:15-8:55 Technology 9:00-9:40 Th: Media 8:15-8:55 F: Music 8:15-8:55 P.E. 9:00-9:40
Grading Scale Lincoln County Schools follow a ten-point grading scale. B 80-89 C 70-79 D 60-69 F Less than 60
Curriculum and Assessment We follow the Common Core Standards in Reading and Mathematics. At the end of the school year, students will be expected to take a Reading EOG and Math EOG. Every nine weeks students will take a benchmark assessment in Reading and Math. This assessment is designed to inform teachers of the skills that students are strong and areas in need of improvement.
Area Model of Multiplication 24 x 15 = 20 + 4 Decompose each number and represent the value with lines. Multiply each of the area sections. Add each product to determine the final product. Each product represents the area of the square that it is in. Add all of the products together to get the final product of 24 and 15. 4 x 10 = 40 20 x 10 = 200 10 + 5 4 x 5 = 20 20 x 5 = 100 200 + 100 + 40 + 20 = 360
Let’s Work Together! Please help your child to learn their Multiplication Facts! Nightly Reading is extremely important! Study throughout the week: math notebook and word study words Thank you for working together to make this a successful year for your child!