Welcome to Crestdale Middle School
Meet 6th Grade ELA We are so excited to meet you!!! Mrs. Gerson synthiaj.gerson@cms.k12.nc.us Mr. Russell richard.russell@cms.k12.nc.us Mrs. O’Hara marie.bellion@cms.k12.nc.us Mrs. Noel stacey.noel cms.k12.nc.us http://crestdaleela6.cmswiki.wikispaces.net/
What do I need to be successful? Novels 6th Grade Supplies 1st Quarter All Classes – Touching Spirit Bear by September 14th 1 two inch binder 1 pack of loose leaf paper 4 dividers with pockets 1 pack of graph paper 2-3 dry erase markers 3 highlighters 1 pack of pencils 1 pack of colored pencils 1 pack of pens or thin markers 1 set of earbuds
Wish list for Our Classrooms Hand Sanitizer Highlighters Pencils Pencils Colored Printer Paper Ear Buds Extra Copies of Touching Spirit Bear Clorox Wipes Kleenex
Transportation Questions Located in the Cafeteria Pay All School Fees Cafeteria Back to school Form Collection Cafeteria PE uniforms Gym
ELA Tutoring Fridays from 8:00 – 8:30 **Must have a teacher signed agenda in order to attend tutoring.**
Makeup and missing work policy All assignments will be entered as a 0 until they are made up. A student who misses homework or other assignments due to an absence, whether excused or unexcused, is allowed to make up the work. Late work from students who were not absent will have up to 5 school days to complete the work with a 10% reduction per day. Any assignment turned in after 5 days will receive a 50%.
Re-Test on Formal Assessment Students that do not score 79% or higher on assessments will receive the following: Additional Support will be provide on standards that have not been mastered. Opportunity to retest on not mastered standards and receive a new grade up to a 79%.
Important Dates Monday, September 4 – Labor Day No School Monday, September 11 – Curriculum Night 6-8pm Friday, September 15 – Summer Reading Assessment Friday, September 15 -A copy of the novel Touching Spirit Bear Monday, September 18 – 19 – MAP Testing Thursday, September 21, 22 – Teacher Workday