Mrs. Croce’s Suggested Supply List 2017-2018 Poly-plastic Expanding File Folder (any color) Poly-plastic 2 pocket folder –any color (if you get poly-plastic they last all year) Avery Durable Reference Vinyl EZ turn 3 Ring View Binder –1 inch Capacity (1 Black) 2 Composition Notebooks Clipboard (any style any color) 3 packs of WIDE RULED Loose-Leaf Paper Headphone/Earbuds (any kind- be left at school) A MUST HAVE!!!! Crayons Colored Pencils Pencils Dry Erase Markers Highlighter (any color) Scissors Glue Sticks 1 Roll of Paper Towels 2 Boxes of Tissues Clorox Wipes (any brand) Pictures are just for reference to help if you were not sure what I was talking about WISH LIST Hand Sanitizer Any size Ziploc bags (any brand) Students can bring any other supplies that you wish to buy NO TRAPPER KEEPER STYLE BINDERS/FOLDERS