Welcome to Ms. Thurman’s Classroom 6th Grade Team Language Arts
In the front of the building, did you… Get the Things to Do at Meet and Greet list? Pick up your student schedule? Get to know your teachers! Sign up to receive electronic updates from the school? (Front Office OR School Website)
In the front of the building, did you… (Continued) JOIN PTSA? Parents and Students? Our goal is 100%! Purchase Spirit Wear from PTSA? This is the Spirit Wear you get to wear on the PTSA Spirit Wear days!
In Ms. Thurman’s class, did you… Sign in at the desks in the front of this classroom? Sign up for volunteer opportunities? Retrieve your class period magnet on the right side of the board?
In the Bus Depot (by the Media Center), did you… Locate Bus Route and Lane? Be sure to note your pick up times. Students are dismissed daily by lane number.
Before you leave today, be sure to… Check out the school and PE standard attire. (Gym Lobby) Prepay for Lunch. Meet the Cafeteria Manager, Mr. Nwagu. (Cafeteria) Visit the Media Center.
Before you leave today, be sure to… (Continued) Visit your Connections Classes. Meet your Grade Level Counselor, Mrs. Gray. Meet your Grade Level Administrator, Ms. Turner. Introduce yourself to your principal, Dr. Hargrett. Remember to keep your handshake firm!
What do I need for Ms. Thurman’s class? PENS AND/OR PENCILS NOTEBOOK PAPER AGENDA (Provided to you by Floyd) NO AGENDA, NO PASS, NO EXCEPTIONS!
What is recommended for Ms. Thurman’s class? USB DRIVE You only need ONE USB Drive. 1 GB or less is fine. This same USB Drive may be used for all of your classes at Floyd.
HOMEROOM STUDENTS: What donations are needed in our class? Kleenex Hand Sanitizer Lysol Wipes Copy Paper Index Cards Loose Leaf Paper
If you have questions/concerns regarding your schedule… See Ms. Turner.
I am so excited to see you on Monday! We will have a great year! Thank you for attending Meet and Greet!