Marketing and Business Development Amartya Sen, Fred Stone
SOCIAL MEDIA DATA Tool used for all analysis: R Engagement is most affected by media views and retweets R2 = 0.9617 R2 (with impressions as independent variable) = 0.51 Peak = 1,580 Veteran’s Day 2015 Average = 54.6
SOCIAL MEDIA DATA Frequently used words from Tweets having the top 20% engagement. Frequently used words from Facebook posts having the top 20% reach. Mention WWE Here
SOCIAL MEDIA DATA 2015 Data Twitter (Engagements) Facebook (Likes) Average Post 13.2 42.6 Memorial Day Average 18.67 129.00 Memorial Day percent Increase Above Average 142% 303% Fourth of July 32.50 20.00 Fourth of July percent Increase Above Average 247% 47% Veteran's Day 14.17 154.00 Veteran's Day percent Increase Above Average 108% 362% 394 707 Use social media on VETERAN-RELATED holidays.
WEBSITE ANALYTICS DATA People may be learning information about Hire Heroes USA from social media instead of website
WEBSITE ANALYTICS DATA Most users are not on site long enough to read large amounts of text Use images and short text Use Google Analytics benchmarking Compare with session durations for other charitable organizations
DONATION DATA Beginning in 2010, grants are the most effective type of funding
DONATION DATA Restart previously successful funding campaigns
RECOMMENDATIONS Continue efforts in pursuing grants Post with embedded media since is most effective for engaging users Increase collaboration with professional athletes and celebrities Use social media on veteran-related holidays Use images and short text on website to maximize communicated message There is a positive correlation between social media and donations, and a recent negative correlation between social media engagement and website views, fredlstone