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SAFETY & COMMUNICATION Training: Fight in the Classroom
Purpose of Table Top Drills Reveals gaps Makes your plan stronger Allows Administrators, Teachers and Staff to get comfortable using the app Clarifies roles and responsibilities during a crisis Why is testing and evaluating your current emergency plan so important? Our main goal is for you to fully understand how modern technology can improve response time. We are confident that this is possible by introducing you to new mobile emergency response tools.
After today’s table top drill, you will be able to successfully: Objectives Send a Panic Message back and forth with your Safety Team After today’s table top drill, you will be able to successfully: We unify as a team, by communicating during an incident.
Members Group When a Panic is sent, only the Safety Team Safety Team members are red. Staff members are black. When a Panic is sent, only the Safety Team will receive it. Safety Team Safety team members are typically administrators.
Checklist Example Fight in the classroom Never ignore aggression. Never get between students who are fighting. Fight in the classroom If the situation becomes physical, tell the students to stop. Make a mental note of the names of onlookers. Quickly review the situation. Record the date, time, and exact location. After the incident, document what happened and share this with the Safety Team as required. REFERENCE Johns, Beverly H., & Valerie G. Carr. 1995. Techniques for Managing Verbally and Physically Aggressive Students. Hawthorne Educational Services, Inc.
(Hover over video and press play.) Fight in the Classroom (Hover over video and press play.) Never ignore aggression. A fight broke out in the classroom and the teacher was helpless to stop it. With CrisisGo’s Panic button, you have the ability to send the entire Safety Team an audible alert at the same time. How could the Panic button have assisted the teacher in the video?
Overview Situation Never get between students who are fighting! If the situation does become physical, tell the students to stop. Students A and B begin arguing in the classroom. You try to de-escalate the situation, but is unsuccessful. Now Students A and B are shoving and punching each other. Quickly take out your phone to send a Panic to the Safety Team. How would you send a Panic?
a Panic Sending Make a mental note of the names of onlookers. JFK HS Staff Make a mental note of the names of onlookers. Quickly Review the situation. Select your school group. Then press . You have 5 seconds to cancel the panic or it will be sent automatically. Hitting send will instantly send out the panic to the Safety Team. Option to cancel because maybe the situation quickly de-escalated or the panic is tapped accidentally.) After 5 seconds, the panic will be sent automatically. This is because the person in panic may be incapacitated or may have had the phone taken away.
(tap panic icon for tone) Sending a Panic JFK HS Staff Record the date, time, and exact location of the occurrence. Your Safety Team will receive a pop-up information box with an audible tone indicating you sent a panic. The Safety Team receives a popup information box with an audible signal indicating Ms. Smith sent a panic. (play sound – tap panic icon) (tap panic icon for tone)
Communicate During a Panic JFK HS Staff JFK HS Staff JFK HS Staff Now you can send the Safety Team a message informing them the Panic is due to a fight in your classroom. Tap ‘Chat’ Option 1: Text Tap the text box Type your message Option 2: Talk The Safety Team receives a popup information box with an audible signal indicating Ms. Smith sent a panic. (play sound – tap panic icon) Tap the plus sign Tap ‘Audio’ You have 60 seconds to record
Communicate During a Panic JFK HS Staff Now, communication between you and the Safety Team begins. As the Safety Team communicates and takes action to help, your GPS location is also visible.
(Tap on the sound symbol for tone) Release a Panic JFK HS Staff Select the Panic Tap “Release” at the top right Select “OK” Managers receive pop-up box with tone (Tap on the sound symbol for tone)
Continuous Communication Principal Strickland would like to debrief and review the incident to find ways to prevent this from happening again.
Recap A fight broke out in the classroom. Quickly and efficiently, you sent a Panic to the Safety Team alerting them that you needed immediate assistance. Through 2-Way Messaging, you and your Safety Team kept in direct communication throughout the incident. There is also one-way messaging to individuals. After the fight was broken up, the panic was released by a Safety Team Member. With the multimedia tools found in the message feature, an incident report can be generated right from the app and sent to your Safety Team.
An informed Safety Team is a prepared Safety Team. Prevention We believe that these powerful yet simple tools can be used to mitigate risk, such as a fight in the classroom. An informed Safety Team is a prepared Safety Team. Report information to prevent an emergency before it begins. Immediately reporting key information keeps everyone better informed.
What If… One of the students had a weapon?