Mind Stretcher - 2. Which process does NOT release carbon dioxide? Which of the following is NOT a way that nitrogen cycles through the environment? Decomposition releases nitrogen into the soil. Plant roots take up nitrogen from the soil. Nitrogen is stored in fossil fuels. 2. Which process does NOT release carbon dioxide? Combustion Respiration Photosynthesis
Earth’s Biomes Chapter 23
Average Temperature and Average Rainfall THE BOTTOM LINE: Biomes are dependent on two very important environmental factors: Average Temperature and Average Rainfall Biomes are named after the dominant type of vegetation associated with large land areas. The three major biomes are: (1) Deserts, (2) Grasslands, (3) Forests
Taiga Deciduous Prairie Savanna Tundra BIOME Organizer Cold Temp. Avg. Temp. Hot Temp. Heavy Rainfall Average Rainfall Light Taiga Coniferous or Boreal Forests Deciduous Temperate Forests Tropical Rain Forests Prairie Temperate Grasslands Savanna Tropical Grasslands Tundra Polar Grasslands Cool Deserts Temperate Deserts Tropical Deserts
Celsius Scale 30’s Warm 20’s Nice 10’s Cold 0’s Ice
Deserts have these qualities: Precipitation is low and limited Evaporation exceeds precipitation (Rain dries out very fast) Light vegetation & clear skies Most animals are small and nocturnal (come out at night) Hot days – Cool nights!!
Types of Deserts Tropical Desert - hot all year, few plants, wind-blown surfaces EX: Sahara
Desert Climate Graph
Types of Deserts Temperate Deserts - Daytime temp. hot in summer & cool in winter EX. The Mojave Desert
Types of Deserts Cool Desert – Warm summers & cold, cold winters EX: The Gobi Desert Brrr…It’s cold here
Desert Food Web
NO, you don’t have to write this question down! What do all of these deserts have in common? Think of three observations. NO, you don’t have to write this question down!
Grasslands have these qualities: Precipitation is high enough to allow grass to grow. Droughts and fires prevent permanent forests. Home to large herbivores (bison, zebras etc.) and many borrowing animals (meerkats, prairie dogs)
Types of Grasslands Savanna (Tropical Grassland): high avg. temps. with a prolonged dry season of 4-6 months. Rest of the year is wet.
Types of Grasslands Prairie (Temperate Grasslands): Strong winds that blow almost continuously & evaporation is rapid.
Prairie Climate Graph
Types of Grasslands Tundra (Polar Grasslands): Most of the year the climate is extremely cold with high winds & snow cover. Winters are long and avg. precipitation is low (mostly snow)
Question????? HANDS FREE! EYES ON ME! EARS PLEASE! Close your eyes and imagine a simple savanna food web. What would happen in your food web, if the top level consumers were removed? HANDS FREE! EYES ON ME! EARS PLEASE!
Forests have these qualities: A wide variety of plants, dominated by trees. Provides a variety of habitats for a variety animals. (birds, deer, bears, mice, opossum, insects, etc.)
Types of forests: Tropical Rain Forests: constant hot temp., high humidity, daily afternoon rains, poor soil, hardwood trees, most animals live in the canopy, most biologically diverse
Rainforest Climate Graph
Types of forests: Deciduous forests: moderate temps., changes a lot during the 4 seasons, abundant precipitation, deciduous trees loose their leaves each fall, nutrient rich soils
Types of Forests: Taiga: winters are long & dry, lots of snowfall & short days, temps. range from cool to extremely cold, dominated by conifers
Compare and contrast Draw the following venn diagram on your paper and fill it in. Forests Deserts Grasslands