Agenda All-Monday 15 Sep 0800 Welcome - Opening remarks


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Presentation transcript:

Agenda All-Monday 15 Sep 0800 Welcome - Opening remarks All-Hands Meeting: National updates Managers Bi-Weekly Status and Progress Dave Action Items from Sep 07 including Deferred Status and Progress Dave Maturity Assessment Rework Status and Progress Doug Model Changes Status and Progress Change Log Ian and Doug Lunch 1330 DoDAF Meta Model Dave M3 Ian UPDM DMM Ian COMPLETE IDEAS - MODAF SUBJECT AREA MAPPING If not completed, map IDEAS Subject Areas to M3. Doug COMPLETE IDEAS - DODAF 2.0 SUBJECT AREA MAPPING Complete review of Subject Area mapping. Look at DM2, compare, assess, against IDEAS model. Doug Review of updates with view towards meeting BORO standards Chris Wrap up of days activities and Adjourn

Draft Agenda Modelers: Tue 16 Sep – Fri 19 Sep (Subject to Change)  Tuesday 0900 AM Welcome and Housekeeping and recap previous day / aims for today Services Frameworks, Examples, etc. Look at Open Group Services Ontology, NATO Services taxonomy,  OASIS, W3C, etc. Measure and Capability analysis Review Tuesday 1300 PM + Wednesday 0800 AM Housekeeping and recap previous day / aims for today Services Modeling in IDEAS Need to cover business services, e.g., search and rescue, restaurant,   How does Transformation relate to Capability? Net-Centricity is important in U.S. Transformation. Wednesday 1300 PM RDF Mappings Thursday 0900 AM Housekeeping and recap previous day / aims for today Measures Issue of dispositions. Continue work on Measures at the Type level.  Maybe another example that's an organizational measure (e.g., cost or personnel skill level). Friday 0900 AM Housekeeping and recap previous day / aims for today Capability Particularly Capability taxonomy -- how differ from Process taxonomy, Effects, Actors?  Reference NAF CV-1.   Friday 1130 AM Wrap up of activities and Adjourn

Agenda MANAGEMENT: Tuesday 16 Sep – Friday 19 Sep Topic EXPERIMENTATION Description What is the intended scope of the Experiment planned for May 2009? Rationale Experimentation definition required to support preparatory planning and related work plan definition.  Maybe look into CWID.  Look into open source, e.g., Eclipse Topic IDEAS Working Plan Description  Rationale Topic Status of Exchange Mechanisms Description MODX, UPDM XMI, DM2 PES, IDEAS RDFS, NATO AEDM, NATO Meta Model, … Rationale 1.  Comparison of exchange models 2.  Way forward for cooperation Topic Release into public domain for early adoption

Meeting Outline Objectives Proposed Activities – Separate Modelers and Management Sessions The Plan Push Forward Master Schedule – Management will review: Status Aims Accomplishments

Major Objectives Per TOR Deliver a specification for the exchange of architectural documentation and artifacts between coalition partners for the purpose of Coalition Military Operations.   To establish an oversight mechanism to perform configuration control activities. To identify and approve all key activities and milestones required for the accomplishment of the Working Group’s goals. Define, agree, and implement a technical approach for IDEAS testing. Evolve the high level classes with all attributes and relationships that ensure a cohesive exchange infrastructure to meet the major goals and objectives.

Current Master Schedule

IDEAS Model Status at start of Sep 08 Meeting Foundation still well defined Namespace pattern sufficiently well defined for current testing Still need to finalize patterns for Agent overlap with Process, Information Element Export/Import, Event/Trigger, Duration, and Command Relationship. Data for OCD being defined/incorporated/clarified. Common Objects well defined. Mapping of national terms to IDEAS terms has progressed facilitated by the namespace pattern. Need to define who owns the namespace for each organization/nation. Top level IDEAS context diagram created and described. Identified that a common upper level taxonomy will need to be defined for a number of areas of operational data likely to be exchanged via the IDEAS model.

IDEAS Model Status at start of Sep 08 Meeting (Cont.) OV-5 Activity Whole-Part Design complete Exchange experimentation: OV-5 Operational Nodes Activity Design completed Started OV-4 Command Relationship Design sketched OV-5 Information Flow Design completed other than cosmetic Started OV-6c Event Trigger Design sketched (duration and causality TBD) Completed IDEAS Project AV-1 Updated Experiment plan (GANNT chart)

DODAF Update DoDAF 2.0 being developed in four “spirals” to be completed by Nov 08 Analysis of requirements to support DoD’s core processes: budgeting, acquisition, capabilities development and integration, systems engineering, portfolio management, and operations planning Spiral II release in Mar 08 included first version of DoDAF 2.0 Conceptual Data Model Used IDEAS Foundation Domain derived from many sources Working on refinement and logical model attributes Coordinating with OMG UPDM FTF

Uses IDEAS Foundation and Common Patterns

DoDAF 2.0 Meta Model (Version 0.1) Overview