Basic Computer Networking at the Toolik Field Station Dr. Todd Valentic Center for Geospace Studies SRI International
Basic Network Components Hosts NIC Interconnect Switch Router – Computers, printers, servers – Network interface card – Cables or wireless – Common connection point – Communicates with external networks
Wireless Networking - Connect to wired LAN through an access point. - Hosts use a wireless network interface card (NIC) to talk to the access point. - IEEE-802.11b - 11Mbps - IEEE-802.11a - 54Mbps - IEEE-802.11g - 11/54Mbps Toolik wireless network is IEEE-802.11b.
Wireless Bridges Access points can also be used to connect two wired networks One central access point, several remote access points Each access point can also service local wireless hosts
Toolik Field Station Network
Toolik Network Issues Good news: key network infrastructure is holding up well and meeting demand. T1 offsite fiber can handle current load. Ability to add more voice-over-IP phones. 802.11b wireless migration to 802.11g (backwards compatible, 5 times faster) As Station usage increases, consider installing fiber to select buildings