168493: XML and Web Services (II/2546) ebXML Core Components Dept of Computer Engineering Khon Kaen University Dept. of Computer Engineering, Khon Kaen U.
Motivation of Core Components 168493: XML and Web Services (II/2546) Motivation of Core Components Many business processes are common across industry domains Procurement, Payment, Shipping, etc Business information requirements are same Information on “product” How business information are used within business processes are same How information on “product” is identified and described 168493: XML and Web Services (II/2546) Dept. of Computer Engineering, Khon Kaen U.
168493: XML and Web Services (II/2546) Core Components A set of common data items that captures real world business concepts Reusable pieces of contents Use industry-neutral notation Enables interoperability among different industry domains Because all these domains will now use commonly agreed upon data items 168493: XML and Web Services (II/2546)
Core Components Examples Core Component A Vendor (Industry 1), Manufacturer (Industry 2), Supplier (Industry 3) Core Component B Distributor (Industry 1), Wholesaler (Industry 2), Merchant (Industry 3) Core Component C Store (Industry 1), Outlet (Industry 2), Retailer (Industry 3) 168493: XML and Web Services (II/2546)
168493: XML and Web Services (II/2546) Core Components Core components are components, which appear in many different circumstances of business information and in many areas of business A core component is a common or “general” building block that basically can be used across several business sectors 168493: XML and Web Services (II/2546)
Core Component Mechanism Stored in and retrieved from ebXML registry/repository Expressed in XML syntax Can contain other core components Uniquely identified Referenced in Business Document 168493: XML and Web Services (II/2546)
Classification of Context of Core Components Business process Region (geographical) Industry Official constraints Product Role (buyer or seller) 168493: XML and Web Services (II/2546)