Holy Patron, thee saluting, Here we meet with hearts sincere; Verse 1: (J53) HOLY PATRON, THEE SALUTING Holy Patron, thee saluting, Here we meet with hearts sincere; Good Saint Joseph, all uniting Call on thee to help our pray’r.
(J53) HOLY PATRON, THEE SALUTING Chorus: (J53) HOLY PATRON, THEE SALUTING Happy Saint, in bliss adoring Jesus Saviour of mankind, Hear thy children thee imploring; May we thy protection find.
(J53) HOLY PATRON, THEE SALUTING Verse 2: (J53) HOLY PATRON, THEE SALUTING Wordly dangers for them fearing Youthful hearts to thee we bring, Grant in virtue persevering, Vice may ne’vr their bosom sting.
(J53) HOLY PATRON, THEE SALUTING Chorus: (J53) HOLY PATRON, THEE SALUTING Happy Saint, in bliss adoring Jesus Saviour of mankind, Hear thy children thee imploring; May we thy protection find.
Thou has faithfully attended Him whom heav’n and earth adore, Verse 3: (J53) HOLY PATRON, THEE SALUTING Thou has faithfully attended Him whom heav’n and earth adore, And with pious care defended Mary Virgin ever more.
(J53) HOLY PATRON, THEE SALUTING Chorus: (J53) HOLY PATRON, THEE SALUTING Happy Saint, in bliss adoring Jesus Saviour of mankind, Hear thy children thee imploring; May we thy protection find.
May our fevent pray’rs ascending Move thee for our souls to plead, Verse 3: (J53) HOLY PATRON, THEE SALUTING May our fevent pray’rs ascending Move thee for our souls to plead, And obtain for us thy children Benedictions in our need.
(J53) HOLY PATRON, THEE SALUTING Chorus: (J53) HOLY PATRON, THEE SALUTING Happy Saint, in bliss adoring Jesus Saviour of mankind, Hear thy children thee imploring; May we thy protection find.