Key club meeting
Key club pledge I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.
Option 2 Sneak a Peek Game Time Required: 10 minutes This problem solving activity requires little more than a couple of sets of children’s building blocks. The officer will build a small sculpture with some of the building blocks and hide it from the group. The participants should then be divided into small teams of four. Each team should be given enough building material so that they can duplicate the structure you’ve already created. The officer should then place their sculpture in an area that is an equal distance from all the groups. One member from each team can come up at the same time to look at the sculpture for ten seconds and try to memorize it before returning to their team. After they return to their teams, they have twenty-five seconds to instruct their teams about how to build an exact replica of the instructor’s sculpture. After one minute of trying to recreate the sculpture, another member from each team can come up for a “sneak a peek” before returning to their team and trying to recreate the sculpture. The game should be continued in this pattern until one of the team’s successfully duplicates the original sculpture. This game will teach participants how to problem solve in a group and communicate effectively. Sophia
Upcoming events Rebuilding April 29th ------Hours for neighborhood clean up / help with yard work /painting Bring Sunscreen, hats, gloves, comfortable clothes that can be dirtied Food will be provided Sign in sheet Permission slips presented next week. Check with your parents, need your own transportation. Bel Air area/VVEPCC Location on permission slip—permission slip MANDATORY Ms. Ortiz
Special Olympics Send an email to Read handbook Will then receive a link to register and volunteer hand book Read handbook Please arrive at least 10 minutes before the shift you are signed up for Look for designated officer to check in Must be 15 years old to volunteer ***photo ID required Diana
Let’s Thank your Teachers for all their hard work! First week of May is Teacher Appreciation Sign up to bring in either oranges, apples, cuties, or bananas Sign up with Mrs. Gardea Drop off fruit Tuesday, May 2
Member input . . . Reminder: If you have not turned in coupon book . . .you must pay $25. You are on the senior/no registration list. No time to drop by G1004 to sign up for events? Then email vgarde01@sisd and please leave valid phone contact! Next week . . . Special Olympics