From the time: 1533-1603 Done
By: Elizabeth Andrews and Ravi Moazzam The Virgin Queen Good Queen Bess Queen Elizabeth I Gloriana By: Elizabeth Andrews and Ravi Moazzam Done
Life of a Queen Full name: Elizabeth Tudor born in 1533 Anne Boleyn(Mother) was beheaded for adultery and incest Ascended the throne in November 17, 1558 Was proposed to many times No one wanted her on the throne Eliminated religious unrest by not making one certain religion dominate. Protestant burning at the stakes ended in England Mary Queen of Scots(Bloody Mary, half sister of Elizabeth) continues slaughtering French protestants. 1562- Elizabeth almost died of smallpox Had Mary Queen of Scots beheaded due to Mary’s view of protestants against Queen Elizabeth. She was imprisoned on May 15, 1567 Execution in February 8, 1587 Elizabeth dies March 24, 1603 thus ending the Tudor dynasty. James VI of Scotland, great-great-grandson of Henry VII (Elizabeth’s father.) done
Spanish Inquisition The English War with Spain from 1585 - 1603 The Spanish Armada was defeated in 1588 1597- Second Spanish Armada sent to attack England. Disbanded by a storm at sea close to English land. Done
Achievements It was a major accomplishment that she survived to become Queen of England! Her mother was executed on the charge of Treason, adultery and incest. She was branded a b*****d by her father, King Henry VIII. She lost her title of Princess Elizabeth and had to be referred to as Lady Elizabeth! Queen Elizabeth adopted a moderate religious policy. The Acts of Supremacy and Uniformity (1559), the introduction of the Prayer Book of 1559, and the Thirty-Nine Articles (1563) were all Protestant in doctrine Queen Elizabeth established the Poor Laws Ran an entire country in a male dominated world and was rewarded much love and respect from her country, despite multiple death threats and a few attempts in the beginning of her reign. Began the Golden Age in England, and remained unmarried her entire 45 years of ruling. She was called, “The Virgin Queen.” Done
Miscellaneous 'I count the glory of my crown that I have reigned with your love.' –Elizabeth I in her greatest speech to the English Parliament. Queen Elizabeth I Reigned for 45 years from 1558 – 1603 She lived with her Step-Mother Katherine Parr and husband Thomas Seymour after the death of King Henry, but was sent away to the Hatfield House when allegations of an affair came up. done
* Queen Elizabeth * Citation Thank You For Watching! By: Elizabeth Andrews Ravi Moazzam Special Thanks to: Ms. Brooks Thank You For Watching! done Citation "Queen Elizabeth I: Biography, Portraits, Primary Sources." Marilee. Web. 16 Nov. 2011. <>. "Queen Elizabeth I." ELIZABETHAN ERA. Ed. L. K. Alchin. 20 Mar. 2008. Web. 16 Nov. 2011. <>.