WANTED Naegleria Fowleri Kills people all over the world Alias(es): “Brain eating amoeba (ameba)” Race: Free living unicellular protist Reported Headquarters of operation: Warm freshwater bodies of water, including but not limited to: swimming pools, ponds, rivers, etc. Crime Accused of: Infecting innocent humans’ brains and feeding on nerve tissue, causing a nearly fatal disease known as Primary Amoebic Meningoencephalitis (PAM) Has been at work ever since 1909 in Britain, according to a retrospective study The criminal has over a 95% chance of killing you, as it destroys your brain tissue Mode of operation: When the target inhales too much water, enter the nose. Reach the olfactory nerves and feed on nerve tissue Use pseudopods (false extensions) to crawl up nerves into nutrient-rich brain Reach brain through olfactory bulbs and feed on the tissue, host only feels worsening headache. If the white blood cells try to kill it, the amoeba makes a protein coat that the WBC’s latch onto, but cannot get through. The amoeba sheds the coat and carries on eating nerve tissue Let WBC’s make the infection harder to stop by causing inflammatory cells to make the brain swell When the host loses consciousness, launch Plan X: The Final Assault on Remaining Tissue Feast like kings, it only takes about seven days to kill the host, even with heavy antibiotics Kills people all over the world WARNING- DO NOT APPROACH KILLER: Appears innocent due to the simple nature of the amoeba eating harmless bacteria DO NOT TRUST THE SEEMINGLY INNOCENT AMOEBA The amoeba loves warm environments (thermophyllic), explaining why the amoeba infects humans, because they are moist and warm on the inside In unfavorable conditions, the amoeba forms a cyst and remains protected DO NOT INHALE WATER, as the amoeba can emerge from the cyst and still kill you Safest method to prevent infection: Wear nose plugs when swimming in ponds, lakes, or any freshwater body of water Amoeba can only infiltrate the body through the nose. Protect it at all costs, it can mean your life If you think you or a family member are infected, look for the following signs: Headache Fever Chills Loss of sensory and motor function Coma If any of the symptoms are reported, please call 911.