RECRUITING and RETENTION Best practices Genny Kimbel Laura Razzolini CGBD NOVA VA Swimming Swimposium September 30, 2017
Recruiting: Strategies that have worked best Attend parents’ groups’ or membership meetings at the beginning of the year Hand out the top 10 reasons to become an official Post advertising posters around the pool
TOP TEN REASONS 10. You get free food and a free heat sheet. 9. You don’t ever have to work as a timer. 8. The meets go much faster when you are busy. 7. It’s cooler and less crowded on deck. 6. You won’t have to decide what to wear to a swim meet. 5. You meet new and interesting friends. 4. You may be able to deduct travel expenses on your taxes. 3. You get to see your child swim up close and personal. 2. You have the satisfaction of knowing you are contributing to your child’s swimming efforts. 1. All teams need to provide officials in the meets we participate in, or the meets can’t happen. NOVA is seeking parents to train as Strokes & Turns judges. Training session is September 25 at 6:30 p.m. at NOVA. Contact Laura Razzolini at with questions or to RSVP.
TO BECOME A NOVA OFFICIAL Training session September 25, 6:30 p.m. at NOVA Contact Laura Razzolini at with questions or to RSVP
Your NOVA To-Do List… Turn in Medical Form to Business Office ASAP Visit the Virginia Swim Shop to check out all the great new items Sign up to become a NOVA official – Training date is 9/25 at 6:30 at NOVA
Put it on your To Do List… Sign up to become a NOVA official Put it on your To Do List… NOVA is always looking for new officials. It’s a great way to get your volunteer hours and gives you a front-row view at meets!
BE A SUPER HERO TO YOUR KID… Become a NOVA official Training session coming to NOVA soon… September 25 at 6:30pm Contact Laura Razzolini for more info or to RSVP
Recruiting: What works? Frankly, modesty apart: it is me….. I AM the recruiter with My attitude My showing that I am having fun My being friendly My smiling on deck My talking about officiating all the time to other parents
Recruiting: What works? Not just me, though. My next best weapon are people like….. Anne VanLenten, Emily Fagan…. The newly recruited officials when they talk/reach out to their friends They show that they have fun
Recruiting: What works? But really the most important factor is US WE make the difference in attracting and retaining officials!
Recruiting Fun Communication Personal approach: coaches and parents, both, should look for new officials
Finally: GET the COACHES INVOLVED They are key persons in recruiting officials They are central to the lives of both the swimmer and the swimmer’s parents Invite coaches to participate in officials clinics allows them to know what new officials have been told allows them to be able to tell parents what to expect
They quit after working a couple of sessions RETENTION Why is Retention so Important? What is the worst that can happen? It took a major investment to train an official They attended clinics They shadowed another official on deck They quit after working a couple of sessions They never finish the certification An unhappy official who quits can have a negative impact on recruitment of future officials
RETENTION Leadership Quality and Recruitment/Retention... A recent study (interviewing over 10,000 “high value” employees) of why employees quit indicated: Manager’s quality is the single most important factor in career decision People do not leave their company – they leave their boss!! Did our officials leave because of the leaders or who they see on deck?
RETENTION: What works? An important retention tool: RE-RECRUITING The first law of building a relationship is spending time with the person Get to know your people - your fellow officials Let them know how you feel about them Let them know that they are making a difference Pay as much attention to those you have recruited years ago, as those you are recruiting now
RETENTION: What works? An important retention tool: COMMUNICATION The first law of building a relationship is talking to the person Send announcements out about deadlines, meets, needs of your team and of other teams Let them know how things are going: problems and successes Ask for suggestions, send and seek feedbacks periodically
RETENTION: Best Practices Treat ALL officials equal and with respect Be sensitive to their needs and other responsibilities Be flexible and accommodating Be patient and allow time for an official to develop, suggest National certifications Provide opportunities for your officials to advance Pay attention to the workload of your officials Pay attention to their expirations dates and # sessions worked Hold social functions: Holiday or end-of-year parties Use incentives: services award or t-shirts
FINALLY…. Referees, Starters and Chief Judges should always thank, praise and help/correct the officials on deck Encourage officials to work in other LSCs Welcome visiting officials from other LSCs