Healing cards: Pre- and INService Teachers’ “in the moment” Reflections of peaceful & Loving intention May 31, 2017 in a combined graduate/undergraduate special education course on collaboration & consultation; IUPUI, summer Session I
Artist: patricia Berberich Pat Berberich is a life-long artist who has specialized in lithograph fine art printing as well as other mediums. She currently the owner and manager of Santa Monica Healing Arts Center where she is a healing arts practitioner licensed in Rolfing or the Rolf Method of Structural Integration. The cards she has beautifully imagined and birthed into rich, expressive form are conceptualized around a word or thought. The images represented in the healing cards are anchored in these words and emote specific energies to which the heart is attuned. If you are interested in these cards and would like more information about them or about how to purchase a set, you may contact Pat at the following number: (310) 581-2500.
Love “Hatred stirs up conflict, but love covers all wrongs.” Proverbs 10:12
change Change Change is a challenge. Change is a fear. But change is a part of the journey. So embrace this change and let it strengthen you. Change is not always what we ask for, but it is always there.
Dream DREAM with your heart & your head of a future with love accompanying all words that are said of one people united that care for the safety of all a world undivided of healing for all… spread the message, share the love & change the world Don’t Stall.
Grace Grace In this race, we must find grace or we may find ourselves out of place. in a world we don’t recognize, with people who won’t compromise, our life won’t be given a prize.
reach Reach Reach as tall as you can. Reach your hearts and hopes up to the sky, for there is no limit as to how high you can go. Reach for all the love in your hearts, and reach out to spread it. For the more you stretch the more you grow. Your growth will then reach others and then they themselves will reach out to others. The more we reach, the more love spreads.
remember Remember those who gave their own lives that you could live yours.
Transform To transform this world, we must have patience, tolerance, and most of all love “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi
Home Everyone should feel at home. Near or Far. We should embrace their greatness & diversity in our society.
see I see those who are hurting and scared and waiting for easier days. And I see those who are fighting back and helping and creating the change we all would like to see.
Morning Morning… A new day, a chance to start over. Try again. Be thankful for waking up and for all the moments, memories and relationships to build and re-build again. Awakening to sunlight pouring through the window, fresh air, and peace. Quiet, calming peacefulness that starts your day and is with you as your day progresses no matter what you face. Morning equals opportunity that is unending and a gift each day. What will you do with your gift?
story Every person has a story, whether it’s good or bad, everyone has something to say. The question that needs to be asked, how or when your story will be told? When people are sitting around, how do you want them to tell your story? How do you want to be remembered? How long will your story be? “Every story I create, creates me. I write to create myself.” – Octavia G. Butler
Promise Promise Inside each of us is a seed of promise. The promise of life. The promise of love . The promise of a future. No matter what color. No matter what culture. No matter what nationality. We hold a seed of promise. Let us water the seed of promise inside, to cultivate it. So that it will grow into the beauty of reality. The reality of life. The reality of love. The reality of now.
Unknown Unknown Life is full of the unknown. We never know what each day will bring until that moment has come. If a day brings you sorrow and pain the next may bring joy and happiness. Because each moment in our lives brings us unknown experiences we can always hope for the joy and happiness. No matter who or what tears you down and tries to take your happy unknowns just know you are strong and have many more moments when you can change yours or someone else’s unknown for the better.
Storm, Calm
Storm, Calm A tempest. A storm. Swirling, chasing The winds tearing up the roots of trees like the words spilling from your mouth tear up the roots of my heart. Of my peace. Of my calm. Do you even know? Do the words you spew forth leave you just as bitter as they taste when I say them to myself again later? Or to you are they just empty threats? Empty phrases spilling over from your own uprooted heart. Just a continuing storm-front you’re passing on so someone else feels your pain. Your fear. Your terror at being so small they don’t see you So you make sure everyone else is even smaller.
Storm, calm continued Breathe. Step into the eye of the storm. Embrace the calm, if only for a moment. We see you. I see you. Tearing everyone and everything apart just so no one else can break it isn’t saving you. Now you don’t have it either. Your pain is real. Your fear… it’s valid. But you have to feel it to let it help you grow. And in your growing, I promise it will shrink. Let the love you so desperately crave show itself. You ache for love so much it’s made you hate. You spill the opposite of what you’re longing to be filled with. So Open. You can’t fill a closed vessel. Open. Your heart. Your mind. Your eyes. So that the next time you open your mouth Love is all you have left to fall out.