The Healthy Workplace Cristina G. Banks, PhD Haas School of Business & Interdisciplinary Center for Healthy Workplaces July 26, 2016
Outline The Problem What Science Has to Say Unique Characteristics of Teaching Profession Preventing Burnout Promoting Health and Well-Being Take-Aways
The Problem
Other Facts Whitehall Study I (N= 17,530), Whitehall II (N=10,314) British civil servants Job characteristics (low control, low opportunity to learn and develop skills, high psychological workload) related to increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Job status (employment grade) related to ischemic heart disease, obesity, smoking, alcohol consumption, physical inactivity, consumption of healthy food, lower control over working lives, varied work, work pace, job satisfaction, social support, and number of stressful life events. Job status and mortality: Men in lowest grade had 3 times the mortality rate compared to highest grade.
The Role of Workplace Stressors Goh, Pfeffer, & Zenios (2016) Management Science. 10 workplace stressors & Self-reported physical health, self-reported mental health, physician diagnosed health condition, mortality (228 studies). 120,000 excess deaths each year associated with the various workplace factors. Incremental healthcare costs due to these factors are substantial, comprising 5-8% of the total national healthcare expenditure (2008). Conclusion: employer decisions are associated with excess deaths and healthcare costs in the US. Workplace-related deaths exceed deaths from diabetes, and total costs incurred exceed $180 Billion.
Teacher Burnout Russell, Altmaier & Van Velzen (1987) Journal of Applied Psychology 47 stressful events, 2 measures of social support, and three levels of burnout. Age, class size related to emotional exhaustion. Sex and grade level taught related to depersonalization. Number of stressful events related to emotional exhaustion and depersonalization. Supervisor support mitigated the relationship between stressful events and burnout. Most important provision of support was assurance of worth.
THE PROBLEM OF BURNOUT EXHAUSTION CYNICISM INEFFICACY Workers are overwhelmed, unable to cope, unmotivated, and display negative attitudes and poor performance
THE OUTCOMES OF BURNOUT Poor quality of work Low morale Absenteeism Turnover Health problems Depression Family problems Self-harm, suicide
SIX STRATEGIC AREAS Workload Control Reward Community Fairness Values
JOB-PERSON MISMATCH Demand Overload Lack of Control Insufficient Reward Breakdown of Community Absence of Fairness Value Conflicts More Mismatches = More Burnout
PATH TO RECOVERY: HUMAN NEEDS Positive Emotions Meaning Social Connection Autonomy Safety Competence/Mastery Accomplishment Personal Growth
JOB-NEEDS MATCH Sustainable workload Mastery Choice and control Autonomy Reward and Recognition Accomplishment Supportive Work Community Social Connection Fairness, Respect and Social Justice Positive Emotions Clear Values and Meaningful Work Meaning More Matches = More Well-Being
The Healthy Workplace What are the most important psychological states to teachers? What things can be done to make those psychological states more positive? Group exercise Read out from each group Take-aways?
Proof? Parnassus Endeavor Fund (PARWX) The Health Project (THP) Workplace Fund established in 2005 Invested in companies recognized for being great places to work Assets total $1.49B in 25 different holdings April 2005-January 2013 had 9.63% annualized return (S&P = 5.58%) 13.7% return over last three years The Health Project (THP) Fund established in 2000 Invests in prestigious C. Everett Koop National Health Award companies (recognized for effective workplace health promotion programs) 1999-2014 showed 235% higher returns than the S&P 500 strategy. Koop award winners outperformed the market in 11 of the 14 years studied.
Conclusion Healthy workplaces make good business. Health-oriented organizational design and psychological need satisfaction are key to employee health and well-being. Workplace stressors can be greatly reduced or eliminated by careful analysis and intervention. A healthier workplace will translate into improved health status, greater job performance, lower absenteeism, greater job satisfaction and greater employee retention.