Our Friends--Animals Around us there are different kinds of animals They are Domestic Animals Wild Animals Animals also feel like us sad,happy,afraid or anger
Animals are useful to us. We keep them as our pets at our Home. We should take care of their needs and enjoy being with them. Different Animals give us different useful things. Animals also give us their valuable services.
A Dog guards at our House
Cow Gives us Milk
Horses and Donkeys carry loads and People
Other Pets are:-
We Should be sensitive towards to our Pets. We should feed them properly. If they fall ill we should take them to a Veterinary Doctor. A Veterinary Doctor treats Animals.
Animals also need water , food and shelter to live. Bird Bath
All Living beings are Interdependent and we should keep better relationship to balance the Nature.
FORMATIVE ASSESMENT LESSON: A HOUSE LIKE THIS Written assignments ,group projects ,MCQs Make models of various types of houses and discuss the reasons for their type in particular regions.