Story: Meet Super Crock April 10, 2017 Week 3 of 4th 9 Weeks Issue # 4 Mrs. Castellano's Class Weekly Objectives Please continue to read online books or Lexia everyday. Homework Language Arts – Fiction & Non fiction, characters, setting, plot, Problem and solution, Parts of a book-glossary, table of contents, past tense endings, declarative and interrogative sentences, prepositions, plural nouns, author’s purpose. Math – Multiplication. Science – Animal Needs. Social Studies – Income-save/spend/withdraw Monday: Spelling words 3 times each. No Math. CATS p.77. Time yourself for one minute. Write down how many words you read. Answer the questions for Monday. Answer vocabulary word section for Monday. Tuesday– ABC order, spelling sentences (1-10). CATS p 77. Time yourself for one minute. Write down how many words you read. Answer the questions for Tuesday. Answer vocabulary word section for Tuesday. Wednesday- Spelling sentences (11-20). CATS p.77. Time yourself for one minute. Write down how many words you read. Answer the questions for Wednesday. Answer vocabulary word section for Wednesday. Thursday- Vocabulary Sentences. CATS p.77. Time yourself for one minute. Write down how many words you read. Answer the questions for Thursday. Answer vocabulary word section for Thursday. Friday-Read for (20) twenty minutes each day using Lexia or online stories. Read on the weekends. TESTING ALL DAY. No absences, please. Thank you for taking your children to the doctor after 10:00am. Pattern: Open Syllables CV Pi-lot, ze-bra, pa-per, co-zy, ba-by, e-ven, se-cret, o-pen, si-lent, so-lo, la-zy, gi-ant, to-ma-to, la-bel, ti-dy, fa-vor, re-lax-ing, mi-nus, mo-ment, si-lent. Story: Meet Super Crock Ancient: Very old. Hopeful: Full of hope. Wishing for something. Unable: Not able to do something. Confirm: Make sure something is true. Valid: Something is true. Site: Special location or place. Horario de conferencia: 12:55pm to 1:20pm. Gracias Por hacer cita. April 14, 2017: Good Friday. No classes. We return on Monday, April 17, 2017. Make your education count. No absences, please. Field Trip: May 25, 2017 to Fifer Ranch and Peter Piper Pizza. Money is due before Tuesday, April 11, 2017. Cash only please. Students can bring a water bottle and a snack that does not need refrigeration. Wear blue shirt uniform with logo, cap, and jeans. Thank you to Mrs. Murillo and Mr. and Mrs. Perez who will be chaperoning. All tickets will be purchased ahead of time. Please send money and permission slips as soon as possible. Elmo Field Trip to SAC When? April 13, 2017 What: Students with perfect attendance will go see Elmo at the SISD Student Activity Center. How? We will ride the bus to and from. Permission slips? will be sent home soon. Time? 8:45am to 11:30am or so. Lunch? We will eat either at SAC or in school cafeteria. Not decided as of yet. Thank you Mrs. Murillo for chaperoning. Elmo is also coming to the El Paso area.