Chapter 22 Water Pollution
Types of Water Pollution Sewage ↑ Enrichment Explosion in algal, bacteria, & decomposer populations ↑ Biological oxygen demand Fish kills ↓ Oxygen levels in water
Types of Water Pollution Effect of sewage on dissolved oxygen and biological oxygen demand
Types of Water Pollution Eutrophication: An Enrichment Problem Oligotrophic lake
Types of Water Pollution Eutrophication: An Enrichment Problem Eutrophic lake
Types of Water Pollution Disease-Causing Agents
Types of Water Pollution Disease-Causing Agents Monitoring for Sewage Fecal coliform test
Types of Water Pollution Sediment Pollution Low sediment load
Types of Water Pollution Sediment Pollution High sediment load
Types of Water Pollution Inorganic Plant and Algal Nutrients The Dead Zone in the Gulf of Mexico
Types of Water Pollution Organic Compounds
Types of Water Pollution Inorganic Chemicals Lead Mercury
Types of Water Pollution Radioactive Substances Thermal Pollution
Water Quality Today Point source pollution (e.g., cyanide spill) Nonpoint source pollution (e.g., fertilizer runoff from agriculture fields)
Water Quality Today Water Pollution from Agriculture 72% of water pollution in rivers attributed to agriculture Chemical pesticides may leach into soil and then into water.
Water Quality Today Municipal Water Pollution
Water Quality Today Industrial Wastes in Water Problems depend upon industry Food processing high BOD Paper mills toxic compounds & sludge Many US industries now treating wastewater (some can recover merchantable products)
Water Quality Today Groundwater Pollution
Water Quality Today Water Pollution in Other Countries Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela
Water Quality Today Water Pollution in Other Countries Po River, Italy - Equivalent of the Mississippi River, - Sewage, industrial wastes, sediment - >16 million Italians depend on the river for drinking water - Pollution is so bad, swimming has been suspended in parts, jeopardized tourism and fishing
Water Quality Today Water Pollution in Other Countries Ganges River, India
Water Quality Today Water Pollution in Other Countries Kwale, Kenya - Water contaminated with disease-causing organisms - Led to cholera and diarrhea outbreaks
Water Quality Today Water Pollution in Other Countries Arsenic Poisoning in Bangladesh - In 1980s world health organizations, sponsored digging wells - Unfortunately, naturally occurring arsenic led to wide-spread poisoning
Improving Water Quality Purification of Drinking Water General process: Collected from reservoir or ground water.
Improving Water Quality Purification of Drinking Water General process: Water treated
Improving Water Quality Purification of Drinking Water General process: Distributed to customers Wastewater collected as sewage
Improving Water Quality Purification of Drinking Water General process: Sewage treated
Improving Water Quality Purification of Drinking Water Purification issues: The Chlorine Dilemma Fluoridation
Improving Water Quality Municipal Sewage Treatment Primary and Secondary Sewage Treatment
Improving Water Quality Municipal Sewage Treatment Effectiveness of primary, secondary, and tertiary sewage treatment
Improving Water Quality Municipal Sewage Treatment Major problem associated with wastewater treatment is disposal of sludge Can be used as fertilizer, but there may be health risks (e.g., heavy metal poisoning) Used to be dumped in ocean, that is now banned Currently, most dumped in landfills
Improving Water Quality Individual Septic Systems Septic tank
Improving Water Quality Individual Septic Systems Drain field
Laws Controlling Water Pollution Safe Drinking Water Act set the maximum contaminant level for drinking water Clean Water Act pertained to improving quality of rivers, lakes, aquifers, estuaries, and coastal waters
Laws Controlling Water Pollution Case-in-Point: Water Pollution in the Great Lakes
Laws Controlling Water Pollution Laws That Protect Groundwater Safe Drinking Water Act Resource, Conservation, and Recovery Act