2013 Renovations at Montebello Fish Cultural Station (FCS) Superintendent Thom Teears
Montebello FCS- located on the western corner of Nelson County, VA Raises fingerling Brook, Rainbow and Brown Trout to adult size in support of Virginia Department of Game & Inland Fisheries (DGIF) Catchable Trout Stocking Program. Smallest of the 5 DGIF trout facilities. Facility originally built around 1930. Stocks trout in 10 counties east of the ridge and 5 urban locations around Richmond and northern Virginia.
Willie Seaman
Autumn, 2012- Brook Trout from Montebello FCS were tested for diseases. Results: Infectious Pancreatic Necrosis (IPN) Bacterial Kidney Disease (BKD) Whirling Disease
Emphasis on Bio-security Prevent spread of disease: Fish Culture practices Transfer procedures Stocking procedures Prevention of further outbreaks: Improve water quality Rearing facility disinfection
Determine extent of infection Water supplied primarily by a spring and supplemental stream water during dry months. Native trout in stream positive for disease.
Disinfection procedure Evacuate and drain entire facility at end of trout stocking season- June, 2013. Pressure wash, scrub and steam clean raceways Chemical disinfection of raceways- Chlorine and Roccal Rinse and neutralize with Sodium Thiosulfate Dry out raceways
Raceway concrete in poor condition After 60+ years of usage, raceways had major pitting and holes resulting in large water losses, poor containment of fish stocks and poor structural integrity.
Resurfacing of raceway Fiber reinforced concrete with plasticizer poured over raceway bottom. Delivered to hatchery and installed by Montebello staff.
Upgraded material Wooden dam boards that harbor pathogens replaced with aluminum C-channel.
Erosion of grooves for dam boards and containment screens severe Aluminum C-channel installed in grooves to improve structural integrity.
Perforated aluminum dual splash screens for gas saturation Increases oxygen, reduce carbon dioxide and nitrogen by increasing diffusion of water flow.
Aluminum containment screens Prototype aluminum containment screens built for trial in system.
Improving water quality Purchased ultraviolet(UV) light and sand filtration system from Emperor Aquatics. UV light sterilizes incoming water from the stream preventing the spread of infection from native brook trout. Sand filter improves water quality of incoming water as well as improving efficiency of UV light by providing increased light penetration. Shed purchased and installed for housing UV system. Plumbing installation done in-house by Montebello staff, electrical installation done by local vendor.
UV light
Sand filter
Control panel
Increasing piping size from 2” to 3” decreases head pressure and increases flow rate
Decreased vertical distance to raceway through realignment increases flow
Increased flow = more oxygen = higher densities = more efficient waste removal = increased growth rate
Tree removal
Feed house
Assignment- Come and visit Montebello FCS