Computer Model Activity In a group of 2-3 students, you will work together to create a replicate of a computer tower, showing the components on the front, back, and inside as we discussed in our class discussion. Include all of the components that we discussed in our class discussion, a diagram can be found on the following slides Label and write a description of each component before attaching it to the tower Components should be as close to scale as possible and attached to the model as realistically as possible in the correct location Neatness is a graded Teamwork and communication will be judged by Mrs. Leatherman
Components to Include: Internal Components Bios Chipset Microprocessor Drive Bays Case Fan Motherboard Memory Modem Power Supply Sound Card Video Card External Components Optical Disk Drive Power Button Ethernet Port Audio In/Out Monitor Ports Power Socket USB Ports
Computer Model Activity Rubric 0-2 points 3-5 points 6-10 points All components are included Includes less than 10 identified parts Includes 10-18 identified parts Includes 18-20 identified parts Descriptions are included on components Includes less than 10 component descriptions Includes 10-18 component descriptions Includes 18-20 component descriptions Construction Some but not all parts are identifiable and not made to scale Most parts are identifiable but lack in scale All parts are identifiable and closely made to scale Likeness Some, but not all components are in the correct location Most of the components are in the correct location All components are in the correct location Strategy, Teamwork and Neatness Product is completed by one team member, lack of communication and is done in a neat manner Teamwork is proficient enough to get the project done, participants communicated but didn’t work cohesively, moderate attempt at neatness Participants worked equally hard on the project, there was strong communication and the finished product is neat and professionally made