WORSHIP CULTURE Learn how to build a worship team, and how to infect a worship culture in your church.
What is your Aim or Goal in building a worship team. Good or Average What is your Aim or Goal in building a worship team? Good or Average. Let it be properly defined.
This will help your decision making along the way.
Get the Right people. Matthew 4:18-22
The worship team will always attract
Those who can really sing or play (Instruments).
Those who are average but look like pop stars.
Those who cant sing to save their lives, but want to be seen.
Defining the Goal from the beginning helps you balance and manage the team.
How to get the Right people?
Pray God sends the right people.
Matthew 9:38 John 14:13-14
They may be right under your nose They may be right under your nose. Most time what you’re looking for is all around you.
Announcement and monthly bulletin.
Reach out one on one.
This is the most effective way of getting people to join your team, reaching out to people makes them feel important and needed.
Ask members to bring or invite people.
Create an effective structure.
Who’s in charge of what? Prayer. Song bank and lyrics. Projector.
Wardrobe and style. Workshop and training. Teams’ data.
Duplicate Yourself!!
Duplicate yourself.
Grow leaders and share responsibilities Grow leaders and share responsibilities. Both in leading worship and managing people, Don’t stop training and growing leaders.
How to effect a worship culture.
Which is the most important? The worship or the worshipper.
Romans 12:1 1 Cor 6:19-20
The worship cannot make the worshipper, but the worshipper makes the worship.
What is culture? The ideas, customs and social behavior of a particular people or society.
Jesus changed the rules John 4:23-24
It has to be intentional. It has to be focused It has to be intentional. It has to be focused. It has to be prayed over, once this takes shape you’ll see a worship that spills over from Sundays to Mondays, Tuesdays and everyday of the week.
Teach it: Emphasize the importance of a personal relationship with God in your team meetings. Beyond the song, God is looking for the singers heart.
Demonstrate it: Lead through example Demonstrate it: Lead through example. Whatever you don’t do during your team meetings, you won’t do during a worship service.
Be a worshipper on and off the stage Be a worshipper on and off the stage. Outward expression, Inward reality 1 Timothy 2:8
King David, the innovator of music in corporate worship, wrote hundreds of songs for the purpose of engaging the mind, heart and body in worship. He understands that positive outwardly expresses an inward reality. Our body naturally acts the way our hearts feel.
We see encouragement throughout scripture to;
Bow humbly Psalm 96:6
Raise hands joyfully Psalm 63:4
Shout and sing loudly Psalm 98:4
Clap Hands Psalm 47:1
Dance before the lord Psalm 149:3
There’s nothing awkward about taking these positions in worship There’s nothing awkward about taking these positions in worship. My popular say on posture “ Hands up, Hearts Open, Eyes Open”